I needed this hack on my forum and I decided to share it with you
I didn't create any code, just modified it to suit vBulletin 3.5.x code, and added phrases to allow quick translation .
A script which report your channel activity on you forum homepage. It give informations about ops, halfops, voice, normal users, topic, channel activity.
It will put theses infos under whosonline row in forumhome. You can see on the demo (bottom of this post), that the informations are under navbar (will put it in next version).
1 : Upload all files in forum root folder to your ftp (follow the folder hierarchy)
2 : Import the product in vBulletin (product-eggdrop_irc_manager.xml)
3 : Go to admincp > vBulletin Options > Eggdrop irc manager options and edit irckey.
4 : Edit ircrefresh.tcl, set the irckey (same as above), path of irconline.php, channel
5 : Upload ircrefresh.tcl to your eggdropt script forlder
For Eggdrop, usually "/home/{username}/eggdrop/scripts"
For Windrop, usually "c:\windrop\scripts"
6 : Modify your eggdrop conf, add "sources scripts/ircrefresh.tcl" at the bottom of the file
7 : Rehash your eggdrop (.rehash in dcc window in mirc)
8 : First things to do after installation :
First refresh your admincp , then go to irc channels menu and set a new channel.
As a bot owner, type !refresh to manually refresh the channel. Type !startact to do the initial start of the activity timer. Both these commands should be performed when you first place your bot on the channel or after you rehash it when installing the script. You wont have to run these scripts again, unless your bot exits the channel.
Don't ask how to set up an irc channel (it's not the purpose of this topic)
Don't ask how to set up an eggdrop : http://www.egghelp.org/
=============== ===============
Adding of two options (Admincp > vBulletin Options > Eggdrop irc manager)
Irckey : Do not need to edit irconline.php anymore, just set the key in admincp
Irc informations position : You have now 4 diff?rent positions (Not sure it works if you edited FORUMHOME template) : Below navbar, above forum, below forum, below who's online.
Bug fix :
Template caching
Alteration of FORUMHOME template in plugin (forgot to put the code in ...) try to remove FORUMHOME modifcations you made with this script and test 'Irc informations position' option .
hmm thx akex, my forumhome templates is heavy modified, so had to fix this things, but 1 thing i couldnt make it work is bellow who's online. so just edit in plugins area from
PHP Code:
$search = '#<!-- end logged-in users -->\s*?"\) : \(""\)\)\\."#';
I don't understand the channel setup and probably am trying the wrong things.. The info for the eggdrop is done and running however I can't figure out how to connect to it..
Could someone please give me an example of the correct info/format to put in the below options?