It's clear that VB is the leader when it comes to forum software, however I have to say that the VB WYSIWYG text editor is very ugly when compared to the IPB system.
It's the only real drawback to the VB system. Especially when you have a really nice skin, and that great ugly editor sat in the middle of it.
Are there any mods knocking around which will make the editor look cleaner, more like IPB's editor?
In addition... now I´m enabling HTML-posts in order to allow people to copy&paste formatted text (including tables) from other sources like word, internet etc.
This often results in ´ugly´ posts and is also a security risk (enabling HTML).
The only 'Hack" wysiwyg editor that I have seen is over HERE but may well not be what you are looking for. Other than that all I can suggest is something like wysiwygpro, if you can get it working under vB!!