You should allow call ins. It would nice to be able to ask questions. If that isn't possible maybe a website where we can post the questions and you can ask them for us.
You should allow call ins. It would nice to be able to ask questions. If that isn't possible maybe a website where we can post the questions and you can ask them for us.
We MIGHT allow call ins, which would be cool. We have an IRC room that we will be in during the podcast where you could ask questions. No forum as of yet because we aren't trying to build up a site, and aren't advertising one.
Wanted to make a brief announcement. We reached a little problem with feedback. It seems that it quite hard trying to keep up with the feedback from all the different sites. We dont want to set up our own site as we dont want people thinking we are spamming...Plus that takes more resources then we have at the moment. Its not too bad keeping up with the feedback here and on but we have about 15 sites to keep up with and its crazy to say the least. We also wanted to get our podcast exposed to people that do not have vbulletin and are thinking of buying it. With the great help of the staff at theadminzone, we decided to have our own dedicated forum for feedback there. It exposes the podcast to potential customers and centralizes everything for a more efficient format.