oh, i see the hidden resolution there... try to not die that often... .lol good luck cutie!
Actually, it's not that. I've not died since June '05
[high]* peterska2 touches wood quickly[/high]
so I'm hoping that that has pretty much ran it's course.
Get my dream job (thats probably in the works right now, have to keep praying.)
Make some sites that actually get some traffic
Stop doing freebie work for my friends. It's really hard to say no sometimes but everybody thinks I'm their personal IT Support/Web Admin. That has to stop.
Stop doing freebie work for my friends. It's really hard to say no sometimes but everybody thinks I'm their personal IT Support/Web Admin. That has to stop.
this is the resolution that all coders here have difficulties to keep.. lol
we need some tag like: each time you ask me something, it cost you 50 bucks!