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Yet Another Awards System 3.5 v2.1.2
Version: 2.1.2, by mtha mtha is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2016 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.1 Rating:
Released: 08-21-2005 Last Update: 05-11-2006 Installs: 583
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files  
No support by the author.

Yet Another Award System 2.1.2 ? by HacNho
Copyright (C) 2005 by HacNho, All rights reserved.

Hack Version:
Compatible vB version: 3.5.x
Support: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94836

For vBulletin 3.0.x, please check the other version:

This is a Medals/Awards system. Admin can give members awards, and award icons will be displayed in member's profile, posts, as well as in a award list.

- Can Create/Edit/Delete/Reorder categories/sub-categories in ACP (with category name and description)
- Can Create/Edit/Delete awards in ACP (with Award Name, Description, Icon URL, Image URL)
- Can Move one (or all) award(s) from one category to another
- Can set some awards un-classified (not displayed for public)
- Can re-order awards in awards showcase
+ Issue awards to members, based on username or userid, with Issue Reason
+ Remove awards from members
- [1.2] Options to set number of awards displayed in postbit
- [1.2] Options to turn on/off showing award icon, images, award requests in awards list, awards icons in memberlist
- [2.1.0] Options to re-order awards in postbit and member's profile
>Order by issued time (newest first)
>Order by issued time (oldest first)
>Order by Award Order (ASC)
>Order by Award Order (DESC)
- [2.1.0] Option to set award in-active. Inactive awards will not be listed in award list. However, it will still be displayed in user's profile, if member has the award.
- [2.1.0] Option to set "Request Award" option for each award. (Need "Show request award column" option ON to see the request link)
- [2.1.0] Set custom usergroup permission, to set which group can request award (access request award page)
- [2.1.0] Option to limit maximum number of users for each award displayed in awards list
- [2.1.0] Change award_request options, all options are set in AdminCP, template and phrase based. Totally cumsomizable
- [2.1.0] Option to send PM to use when he receives an award.

Front page

- Display awards list in with: Award Name, Description, Icon, Image, and Members who get each award.
- Display awards showcase in profile, with Award information, Issue time and reason
- Display award icons in postbit (showthread, showpost, announcement, private)
[1.2] Display limit awards in postbit, with total awards, and a link to awards showcase in member profiles.
[1.2] Award request, link to a form sending to email/PM/new thead or post (based on Dr Erwin Loh's Form hack)
[1.2] Display award on Memberlist page (by trulylowcarb)
[2.1.0] Display individual award with name of members who receive the award
[2.1.2] Collapse award categories and awards showcase

(to do)
- Files to add: 6 (/awards.php, /award_request.php, /admincp/award.php, /admincp/award_cat.php, /includes/xml/postbbit_awards.xml, /includes/xml/cpnav_awards.xml)
- Templates to edit: 5 (MEMBERINFO, postbit, postbit_legacy, memberlist, memberlist_resultsbit)
- Tables to add: 3 (award, award_user, award_cat)
- Templates to add: 9 ('AWARDS', 'awards_awardbit','awards_awardusers_bit','awards_ bit','awards_userawards_bit','awards_category','aw ards_categorybit', 'awards_request_form', 'awards_request_formanswers')
- Phrases to add: xxx

Time: about 2 minutes
Installer is included (1 product XML)

2005.11.28: 2.1.1 - Add check for errors before sending PMs
2005.11.27: 2.1.0 - Add functions, Change award request options
2005.11.12: 2.0.6 - remove $this->post['userid'] check in showthread
2005.11.02: 2.0.5 - fix error when display non-user's single post
2005.10.16: 2.0.4 - fix display award after quickreply
2005.10.11: 2.0.3 - fix Display award in PM and announcement, change award request template (thanks y2krazy) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....9&postcount=69)
2005.10.07: Allow edit issued award
2005.09.05: Version 2.0.1 bug fix
2005.08.22: Version 2.0.0 for vBulletin 3.5.0
2005.08.18: Version 1.2.12005.04.14: Version 1.2.02005.04.03: Version 1.1
2005.03.29: Version 1.0.1b
2005.03.28: Version 1.0.1
2005.03.28: Initial release

- Allow comments on user's award (by Arial)
- Allow voting on user's award (by Arial)
- Allow members to resort awards themselves <trackpad/TosaInu>

x. PM (/Email) user when he/she get an award. <2.1.0>
x. Allow awards to be resorted <trackpads> <2.1.0>
x. Allow admin to choose which awards have the 'request awards' link <trackpads> <2.1.0>
x. Allow/disallow certain awards for certain usergroups <trackpads> <2.1.0>

How-to for importing from phpBB's Medal System Mod


Idea has been carried on by many people, here are some:
- Lesane for original Award hack for vB2, eventhough I've never use his hack
- AnimeWebby for Awards/ Medals/ Cards Hack [vB3], which I write new code based on his.
- Mac ycl6 for phpBB Medal System for phpBB forum
- Dr Erwin Loh for FORM TO THREAD/ FORUM/ PM/ EMAIL hack
- and all others for supports and ideas

- BACKUP modified files and templates before making changes.
- Backup database is recommended.
- This hack is NOT compatible with AnimeWebby's Awards/Medals/CardsHack [vB3], you need to UNINSTALL his hack, before installing this one.

Read INSTALL.txt

Reimport XML product
Upload files if neccessary (keep the configuration)

upgrade 2.1.1: Reupload files + Reimport XML product
upgrade 2.1.2: Reupload files + Reimport XML product + reEdit templates (MEMBERINFO, postbit/postbit_legacy, memberlist_resultsbit)

Click Uninstall in Product Manager, and undo the template changes

Included in zip file


vB 3.5.x
<removed on owners request>

vB 3.0.x

YAAS is free, but a donation of any amount is much appreciated.

Installation service is available upon request

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-22-2005, 02:08 AM
Arto Arto is offline
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I recently converted a phpBB forum to vBulletin and at the same time migrated members' medals from phpBB's Medal System Mod v2.1.0 by ycl6 to YAAS v2.0.5. As the SQL table schemas for both award mods are very similar, this was fairly painless and can be accomplished through executing a few simple SQL statements. What follows is a quick how-to which hopefully will be useful for others looking to avoid manually importing the medals

First off, it is presupposed that you've imported your phpBB forum's data to vB using Jelsoft's ImpEx, that the import session is still active (that is, the importuserid field needs to exist in vB's user table) and that you've installed YAAS. Additionally, the queries are written for a situation where phpBB and vB share the same database, phpBB with the table prefix phpbb_ and vB without a table prefix; adjust to your specific setup where necessary.

The SQL queries can be executed from vB's admin panel (if you have the permissions), phpMyAdmin or the MySQL command-line client. (Needless to say, if you don't know understand what the SQL statements do, or are unable to adapt them to your specific situation, don't execute them!)

To begin, the following SQL statement will convert all medals from phpBB to YAAS, preserving the same row identifiers (which means you may get clashes unless you first delete the included example award in YAAS):

INSERT INTO award SELECT medal_id AS award_id, -1 AS award_cat_id, medal_name AS award_name, medal_description AS award_desc, medal_image AS award_icon_url, medal_image AS award_img_url, 1 AS award_icon_url FROM phpbb_medal;
Note that the awards are imported as un-categorized; you will need to manually assign them to an award category in YAAS's admin panel before they'll show up in vB's front end.

Next, you need to copy all the medal/award images from phpBB's medals/ directory to the images/medals/ directory under your vB installation. The image paths also need to be corrected in the database, which can be done with the following two SQL statements (replace the URL http://www.yourforumsite.com/forum/ with your vB forum's base URL):

UPDATE award SET award_icon_url = CONCAT('http://www.yourforumsite.com/forum/images/', award_icon_url);
UPDATE award SET award_img_url = CONCAT('http://www.yourforumsite.com/forum/images/', award_img_url);
Finally, the following SQL statement will import all issued awards to YAAS, mapping from the phpBB user to the correct vB member through the aforementioned importuserid field:

INSERT INTO award_user SELECT m.issue_id, m.medal_id AS award_id, u.userid AS userid, m.issue_reason, m.issue_time FROM phpbb_medal_user m LEFT JOIN user u ON m.user_id = u.importuserid;
That's all, folks Though I migrated from the Medal System Mod v2.1.0, the instructions will likely work for newer versions as well (and could be enhanced to import award categories as well, which were introduced in the Medal System Mod v2.2.0).
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Old 11-23-2005, 02:57 PM
paulmjno paulmjno is offline
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I installed this, then disabled it almost immediately. It was causing MySQL errors throughout the whole board, and when I clicked the Award Manager options.
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Old 11-25-2005, 02:03 AM
Dollah Dollah is offline
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installed thanx
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Old 11-25-2005, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by dirtycrow
tried and failed. can i shoot you an e-mail with a copy of my memberinfo template? perhaps you can spot something I'm missing.
you can email or PM me via my profile.

giving me your website would be good too, so I can take a look ...

I installed this, then disabled it almost immediately. It was causing MySQL errors throughout the whole board, and when I clicked the Award Manager options.
I'm not awared of anything like this should happen. if you could provide me more information, it'd be more helpful

(if there's bug in the hack, or you do anything wrong with it)
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Old 11-26-2005, 06:33 PM
FamilyCorner FamilyCorner is offline
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Just my 2 cents, I installed this without any problems at all and it's been running beautifully for a week now. In fact now I am taking votes on the next award we should create

Thanks again!
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Old 11-26-2005, 08:02 PM
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Sorry if this is already mentioned and me missing it:

-allow users to display the awards the like most in topicview, while the others show in profile.

Say only 3 awards are displayed, a user has 5 awards. Right now the 3 oldest awards are displayed in topicview. It's quite possible that the user is most proud about his new awards (recent, harder to get) and wants to display those.

Then you also have modest types who want to show only one or none in topicview
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Old 11-26-2005, 10:24 PM
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Great hack man! I am using it extensively on my site. As a mil guy there are a few additions if you could for the next release!

1. Allow awards to be resorted by weight, for example, allow us to choose higher ranking awards and those will be listed higher in a members postbit and profile.

2. Allow members to resort awards themselves?

3. Allow admin to choose which awards have the 'request awards' link and which ones do not. For example some awards cannot be request such as the member of the month etc etc.

4. Allow/disallow certain awards for certain usergroups

5. Allow members to comment on others' awards (congrats etc etc)

And thanks for all the work on this!!!!
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Old 11-27-2005, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by TosaInu
Sorry if this is already mentioned and me missing it:

-allow users to display the awards the like most in topicview, while the others show in profile.

Say only 3 awards are displayed, a user has 5 awards. Right now the 3 oldest awards are displayed in topicview. It's quite possible that the user is most proud about his new awards (recent, harder to get) and wants to display those.

Then you also have modest types who want to show only one or none in topicview
dont understand what you are saying. but I am re-ordering the awards, so that newest awards are displayed first.
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Old 11-27-2005, 03:17 AM
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1. Allow awards to be resorted by weight, for example, allow us to choose higher ranking awards and those will be listed higher in a members postbit and profile.
Done, with options to sort
">Order by issued time (newest first)
">Order by issued time (oldest first)
">Order by Award Order (ASC)
">Order by Award Order (DESC)

2. Allow members to resort awards themselves?
you mean those who view member profile, can resort awards, or member who has award, can set display order setting?

3. Allow admin to choose which awards have the 'request awards' link and which ones do not. For example some awards cannot be request such as the member of the month etc etc.
this will require some changes in database, will look into it. I myself dont use (and dont like) the request award feature, if you want, I can add them in, but still, the feature will not be fully supported

4. Allow/disallow certain awards for certain usergroups
What do you mean by allow/disallow ...?

You admins are responsible for giving out awards, and you need to decide which award giving to which member (belong to which group). right?
I dont see the point of doing it, in adminCP

5. Allow members to comment on others' awards (congrats etc etc)
same as rating, ... good idea but I cant do it right now. maybe in the future
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Old 11-27-2005, 12:10 PM
akanevsky akanevsky is offline
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Nice hack! Installed.
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