Version: 1.0.3, by SS9267547
Developer Last Online: Jun 2009
Version: 3.0.7
Released: 04-01-2005
Last Update: 06-11-2005
Installs: 43
DB Changes
No support by the author.
During the development of my gaming site I was in the need of a hack that would display the buddies list publicly and I found one that I thought would work well for my needs called vBFriends. However I also found that it was in need of additional features to work more for what I needed it for so I modified this hack. Now with the permission of Cloud-Warrior (John Breslin) I?ve decided to release this little hack to anyone else who might find this useful called vBBuddies.
vBBuddies is similar to vBFriends however instead of showing all the members links (linked from, linked to, etc), vBBuddies simply displays all the members buddies only. Buddies that are of course linked back to the member. So for example a member named ?Bob? added a member named ?John? to his buddy list but ?John? didn?t add ?Bob? to his list. Now if that is the case, when looking at either ?Bobs? or ?Johns? public buddy lists you won?t see their names on there. However if both members add each others names to their buddy lists it will then classify that they are true buddies and put them on the list. Hope that makes sense. That?s pretty well what this little hack does.
In addition to the change above, I?ve noticed that there were two main features lacking from vBFriends that members have noted as well I needed done which was more optimized queries, templates and the option for multi paged system. So I?ve added those to this hack, I just hope that I was able to lower the queries down, think at this moment its at 10 total. Anyway enjoy the hack, hope someone else can find this useful.
There are 8 screenshots included for you to see what this little hack can do. :nervous: Now this isn't the greatest coded hack so I'm sure there are bugs. Please do let me know if there are problems with it and I'll try to find the problem if I have then time to do so. Also if you like the hack make sure hit the install button! Enjoy guys!
vBBuddies Information
Current Version Number: 1.0.3
vBulletin Test Version(s): 3.0.7 +
Queries to run: 1
File Edits: 8
New Phrases: 28
New Templates: 6
Template Edits: 4
Last Edited: June 12, 2005
Edited By: Lucas Pawelczyk
Install Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Moderate
Current Features
Option to activate or disable public buddy list globally.
Option for user to activate or disable public buddy list.
Give permissions to whatever usergroup you want to be able to access this.
Option for maximum number of members you would like to display per line.
Option for maximum number of members to be displayed per page.
Ability to have buddy tool menu to add or remove a member to your buddy list.
Option to activate or disable private message notification of new buddy.
Ability to view buddy links via member profile.
Ability to activate or disable online status display option, avatars display option, user title display option, posts display option, birthday display option, age display option, join date display option and last active display option from admincp.
Ability to display information text about feature with members.
Option to activate or disable buddy indicator from memberslist.
hack is 75% done, untill now I've been able to do everything with plug-ins, now I'm a little bit stuck with some things, but will try to solve them, after that just make a nice product with everything and release it!