This hack builds upon my Extra Profile Fields Page hack. This template mod lets you take the extra fields from that hack and places them within a dropdown that sits below the user's title within each post, as well as replaces the Group Memberships area with a listing of only these specs. The EFP hack is basically the entry form for the data that's manipulated in this hack. Please check out the pics at the EFP hack link to get the full idea.
In my case, it is used for PC specs (and as you will see the instructions are tailored towards this), however it can be easily used for parts or specifications of almost anything (car parts for example).
# of plugin hooks: 1
# of php page edits: 1 (just 1 line to add the custom hook line into member.php)
# of template edits: 3
# of phrase edits: 1
An admin section will eventually be done for this, as well as extra areas to place the new specs within. Because this is based upon the EFP hack, the upgrades in functionality to this hack will depend on the EFP hack's upgrades. In otherwords, staggered upgrades. Other functionality has been recommended and will be added at a later date. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Also, please post where you've installed this, as I'd like to see how people are using it. That'll help me think of new ways to add to it aside from my own needs for this hack. Or if guests can't see the effects, then please post a pic.
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You should add that <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[group_memberships]</td> has to be changed <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[extra_options]</td>
and my extras fields that are set to "Show on Members List - No" are displayed too.
You should add that <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[group_memberships]</td> has to be changed <td class="tcat" width="50%">$vbphrase[extra_options]</td>
Well... it doesn't HAVE to be, but yeah, it would make it neater under certain circumstances. (in otherwords, when coding @ 1 AM, you forget things! ) I left them separate in case someone wanted different titles for both areas, although I will update the instruction file with that note, no version # change though.
Originally Posted by nexialys
please .zip it for easier uses...
It's only 7K though, and the XML file is not needed per se, as the same code is in the instruction file. IMHO, it'd take longer to download 1 file and unzip it then to download 2 files.
i had a dropdown that sits below the user's title before your hack was released and i have one extra field that can be set to no or yes, so the member can decide himself if the specs are shown in this dropdown or not.
Ahhh, gotcha. Possible, but ATM I can't think of a reason why someone would put info in the list, but not want anyone to see it. Got an example?
One thing I intend to add on is for a field to be able to get info from 1 of 2 different areas. Example: the field by default is a dropdown selection, with all of the current motherboards listed in it. But what if they have one that's so new, it isn't on the list? Then they can select OTHER: and slap something in.
Combining 2 fields to show on one line is relatively easy (as someone will eventually bring this idea up).
click on Predators games at the bottom of the page to see!!!
it's a little bit modified to meet my needs!!
Thanx m8,great plug in!!
EDIT: found a little bug,i dont know if i did anything wrong.When i click "Edit"(via AJAX)
on a post,when i save it and click the tab it wont show up!!If i click refresh,everything's fine!
click on Predators games at the bottom of the page to see!!!
it's a little bit modified to meet my needs!!
Thanx m8,great plug in!!
EDIT: found a little bug,i dont know if i did anything wrong.When i click "Edit"(via AJAX)
on a post,when i save it and click the tab it wont show up!!If i click refresh,everything's fine!
Nice! The info in the dropdown, it's supposed to be in one line? Where'd the info come from?
Never noticed that bug, pretty sure it's because of how AJAX works. I'll ask an AJAX-savvy friend of mine about it.