He's basically talking out of his backside in an effort to cause you trouble. IP addresses are not private, the system would not work if they were (every web server logs them). Ignore this idiot and he will go and find someone else to bug.
I personally would igore him, and add the email address to auto delete or set to be reconized as spam to go into the spam filter folder. auto delete email if you can.
The person will continue as long as he / she thinks you are concerned or anoyed, eventually if you igore it, he/she will move on.
Well yes - I should rephrase to say that they could sue you for consuming more than your fair share of oxygen - However it is extremely unlikely that they'd win
If, lets say, he did sue (which I don't will happen now, but still), and he lost... would I be able to get some compensation out of him? LOL maybe I should piss him off or something, make him try and sue me LOL
If, lets say, he did sue (which I don't will happen now, but still), and he lost... would I be able to get some compensation out of him? LOL maybe I should piss him off or something, make him try and sue me LOL
He's all talk or he would have done something way before now.