How can I display info from postbit like reputation, rank, location, etc in my forumhome? I have tried putting $post[reppower] into my forumhome code, but it just shows up blank.
I know postbit is only for viewing posts, but there must be a way to display that info on FORUMHOME.. When logged in, I want to display such things as a user's rep, rank, loaction etc, and $bbuserinfo does not have those.. Someone must know a way to do this.
Thanks the rep one worked! However, how can I show user rep with the little images like in posts, instead of the actual numeric value? As well as the image I have set for users as their rank? These are both $post[reppower] and $post[rank] in postbit, but using $bbuserinfo[reppower], $bbuserinfo[reputationdisplay] and $bbuserinfo[rank] does nothing.