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vBPurchase 1.0c.fl1
Version: 1.0c.fl1, by Ron1n Ron1n is offline
Developer Last Online: Jun 2008 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.7 Rating:
Released: 06-15-2005 Last Update: 06-30-2005 Installs: 20
DB Changes Template Edits
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No support by the author.



For those of you with other versions installed please upgrade using the upgrade_OLDVERSION_NEWVERSION.txt and everything will workfine.

This is not a beta anymore, but it is for capable, expirienced users only. This can be used as a final product, but it is not meant to be a final product. Users will proabably want to add some features for their own forum to meet their unique needs.

This is a purchase/member area hack for vBulletin that is integrated with paypal. It comes with no warrantee, no installer, and limited support. It has been tested on all 3.0.x versions and is working (for the most part).

- I did not include admincp phrases
- There are problems when usernames contain '

- Custom order fields

- There is no support extension, but this hack does automatically add users to a new usergroup if you want it to, and therefore you can have a support forum for your users who have actually purchased items.

Originally Posted by shah
For those that keep asking this, this is a store hack which is strikingly similar to the ones found at vbadvanced.com, vbcore.com, cinvin.com, go to their products.php page and you will see.

It let's you add licenses/services/products and lets you sell each. You set the price and description from the admin, and it automatically appears in the purchase.php page, from their the user has the option to buy the product and once he/she has paid the price, they will be redirected to the page where they can download the file/license that they have purchased. Hope this descritption helps a little.

Like he has mentioned, you need to know what your doing and you are required to have a paypal account to install this hack, if you don't have paypal, then you pretty much can't use it I guess, not sure.
Thanks shah

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Old 08-14-2005, 01:51 AM
Mythotical Mythotical is offline
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Ok problems now:

Got the file uploaded via admincp, but when I do a test purchase and everything goes fine, it redirects back to my site from paypal where the receipt should be but nothing is showing up. Ok next, IPN I assume isn't being sent, plus I can't figure out why it won't show a download box. Any help much appreciated.

Ronin, might wanna get your moderators on your site in check as I did not appreciate being banned for defending you in the shoutbox and needing to get a question answered.
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Old 08-14-2005, 02:51 AM
psalzmann psalzmann is offline
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Originally Posted by Mythotical
Ok problems now:

Got the file uploaded via admincp, but when I do a test purchase and everything goes fine, it redirects back to my site from paypal where the receipt should be but nothing is showing up. Ok next, IPN I assume isn't being sent, plus I can't figure out why it won't show a download box. Any help much appreciated.

Ronin, might wanna get your moderators on your site in check as I did not appreciate being banned for defending you in the shoutbox and needing to get a question answered.
Good one. I myself haven't even tested the return receipt back from paypal (too many other things to deal with) but a few of my customers have used the the system to accomplish the following:

1. I added "Usergroups" to the "Edit/Add Products". If a usergroup is defined with a comma for that product, he/she can click order. I set this as "FREE" for the "license" and made a "service" for "installation" at a rate of $20.00. This basically means, the software is free to order / download (for the proper usergroup allowed to download/order), and you can pay $20 to have us install it for you. With that in mind, the system was "modified" to accept FREE orders (and to NOT go to paypal.com and to present the "user" with a Download Now link if FREE) instead. If the "amount" is more than zero, it will take the user to paypal.com for payment before presenting the "download now" button/menu.

2. I have had about 4 payments of $20.00 since then. To me, this sounds like the "return receipt" from paypal is in fact working, that and I looked into the vblogs/ folder to find 4 actual files complementry from the "author" of the script which writes nice paypal IPN datafiles (make sure its working, check this folder and site read/write permissions to that vblogs/ folder.

To me, it sounds like it's working... (on my end) so I didn't really test myself to make 100% sure, but I plan on upgrading this store to meet my needs in the coming weeks.

I did receive your PM about help, I'm sorry I did not reply, however, at the point of actually downloading this, reviewing this and learning what was needed to change to complement my requirements, it turns out it's almost a new script from what I've added.

I plan on writing custom hooks to actually "license" the customer, send required emails off (this script lacks order and update emails about orders) and we're already looking into integrating this with the "HelpDesk" mod for support tickets. So, what I suggest for you is to simply play around with it, at least get your paypal working, review the "ARRAYS" in the script (since this is the base of many peoples problems in this thread).

It would help if you knew PHP, or could easily "read out" what the author has provided in the script for his concept and work from it.

I don't mind sharing some of the code I've written to fix the errors, but right from the beginning, this didn't work as I expected, so I started to tweak from there. Even if I wanted to help you, I really couldn't since my copy of the purchase.php is about 4 times larger than the original now, and would be a disaster in the least.

Let me know what you need help with, I could offer some assistance like the code for the updated paypal stuff. Also, keep in mind, I think for all this to work with paypal, you'll need to be verified and have required "account status" to use the ipn tools along side with the other features within the script.

BTW - It appears I just noticed a "bug" for my system. The bug is this:

I see 4 orders from the Admin CP > Purchase > Main. They are at the top of the page.

However, just recently, A customer said he placed an order, selected the $20 paypal payment option, and he never finished the transaction. Now, it appears (in my admin cp) that his order actually "Made it" into my successful orders table even though his payment wasn't completed. So to me, this is a bug perhaps when he goes to paypal, and doesn't complete the order and returns to the site from paypal (I think). But then I think thats not possible seeing how paypal doesn't have any "Links or buttons" to return the user back to the site unless they make payment. (the only other way to return the user to the site without paypals help is that user actually clicking BACK on his browser) which shouldn't update the order... so I'm not sure where this bug is coming from now... so I'll have to keep you updated.

Anyhoo, thats my story up till now. Any suggestions from the author could help me here too (in finding out why a paid order for "service" license at $20 is without payment is actually showing up in: Admin CP > Purchase > Main (top table is services) bottom is licenses.


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Old 08-14-2005, 03:19 AM
Mythotical Mythotical is offline
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I would appreciate the code help, even the updated paypal code stuff would be great.

Now I know a little PHP and I know for a fact that my receipt page is not calling the template right or something so I am investigating that. Now I figured a download box should appear once they have returned after paying but nothing is happening, I also wish to add a download now link for the free ones but no clue how to do that myself so if you could help there that would be great.

I have AIM, this is my AIM = WizO Myth, I also have YIM and MSN.

I wish to discuss more over that instead of just using the forums like this. BTW, thats alright about not responding to my PM at least you posted here to let me know.

Anyways, my email is mythotical (at) gmail(dot)com

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Old 08-14-2005, 03:29 AM
Mythotical Mythotical is offline
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Here is a screenshot of what I see in my Members Area, the style licenses are listed as services and not licenses.

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Old 08-14-2005, 08:28 PM
Madmax4321 Madmax4321 is offline
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i had same problems as you Myth except i never even get the paypal return to work the sole reason i scrapped my site first time round because couldnt get the thing to work.

Myth will probally agree i aint a noob at php but i cannot get it working with paypal.

any help would be great
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Old 08-14-2005, 09:03 PM
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Max, once I hear back from psalz with the paypal fix then that should do it for me and you.
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Old 08-15-2005, 03:03 AM
Stachel Stachel is offline
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Who is using this in a live store?

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Old 08-17-2005, 04:57 AM
justinkwaugh justinkwaugh is offline
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Originally Posted by Mythotical
Here is a screenshot of what I see in my Members Area, the style licenses are listed as services and not licenses.

Well, the problem lies when purchase.php does this:
PHP Code:
 $items explode("-",$product[1]);
$items as $temp)
$temp explode(":",$temp);
$item $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM ph_item WHERE `id`='".$temp[0]."'"); 
either $items or $temp are wrong. I haven't debugged it at all to see which is incorrect, but $temp[0] ends up being empty so the item lookup fails (which ends up defaulting the item type to service). Is exploding a string to the same variable name kosher? I'm not much of a PHP coder, so someone else will have to tell me
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Old 08-22-2005, 12:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Ron1n
If you want to just tell me your plans and I'll see if its OK. I'll be releasing something similar to this in about a month that supports modules (payment options) and more types of products. I sorta rushed this thing into public development and in doing so looked over some things. I am slowly but surely hacking away at my other projects and will get back to this soon.

msn: ronin@elitecoders.org
Hi ron1n, currently I am developing for vbulletin 3.5 and am making progress, albeit slow.

While I am predicting it will be completely rewritten I will still mark credit thanks to your originality. If it is not completely rewritten I will assuredly ask for your permission before I release this hack.

I'll go ahead and submit and show what I've done when and after I've done it. For now it is only functional on 3.0.7. I have yet to migrate it with the new help support system I plan to integrate.

Also for clarification purposes when I meant that I am working in secret I meant that I would use it only for personal and private sites, not releasing the code to other individuals due to the dependency on your and other people's hacks.

I hope this is a respectable treatment to your work. If not let's talk more.

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Old 08-22-2005, 08:46 AM
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I have already received a few pms and emails about the status. Please understand this isn't my hack and that I do not feel comfortable supplying more information without his permission.

I'm sorry if you have other thoughts in mind. I respect creativity first and foremost, so I hope you understand why I am hesitant to share someone else's brainchild that I only edited, even if a decent amount...

Anyways, Ron1n I am sending you another PM.
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