Could always use a system like secure download database, the system is very good, works from a back end of vB or a Portal, would give a nice use, of course something you made yourself, but that kinda of idea would be great.
There is nothing to be proud about. We are already discussing this for some time. In fact we where hoping that it would be in place before the merge, and i am afraid that i am the one to blame it isn't finished yet.
Originally Posted by NBSdesignz
Could always use a system like secure download database, the system is very good, works from a back end of vB or a Portal, would give a nice use, of course something you made yourself, but that kinda of idea would be great.
No we will not move the files to a database or any other download system. We are a vBulletin board, and we are in a way even one of the many sites that are every day prooving what a good product vB itself already is. We see absolute no reason to move the files out of the standard vB structure. As we see it the files belong very thight together with the hack description and support thread.
I didn't like the old hack database because it was seperate from the post. Submitting it as a thread and then into the hack database was overly annoying. So long as that annoying bit isn't in the new hack database, I might like it.
I still think how it's done currently is fine, though.
Back in the vB2 days we used to have a graphics database/styles database at It was very popular with the members, I can see it being a good addition to again, too.
I didn't like the old hack database because it was seperate from the post. Submitting it as a thread and then into the hack database was overly annoying. So long as that annoying bit isn't in the new hack database, I might like it.
I still think how it's done currently is fine, though.
When we go to 3.5, you will see how we integrate the thread system into a database interface.
I didn't like the old hack database because it was seperate from the post. Submitting it as a thread and then into the hack database was overly annoying. So long as that annoying bit isn't in the new hack database, I might like it.
I still think how it's done currently is fine, though.
It was just a nice, easy way of finding hacks. It was appreciated by many users, and it seems like an easier way to find mods you didn't know existed (hence can't use search to find them)