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Old 09-21-2003, 06:12 PM
filburt1 filburt1 is offline
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Default Split Thread: Owned license vB and other

I understand the reasons, but as I see it, the customer purchased a product (intangible as it may be) and at such a point, it is their property and they can do with it as they see fit. Instead, I think it would be better if Jelsoft strengthened its core antipiracy features (namely the e-mail-based authentication which I have commented on numerous times to no result) rather than restricting genuine license holders.

Jelsoft could also work a system such that a link to validate a vBulletin eBay auction as selling a good license and stating its expiration date (if applicable) in the process.

Just my opinions.
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Old 09-21-2003, 08:55 PM
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The problem isn't selling valid licenses. It is the person instituting a chargeback on their vBulletin purchase after they resell the license. So the person buying the used license is out their money and doesn't have a valid license. Meanwhile Jelsoft is stuck in the middle of these illegal transactions when we pull licenses from people. Not very easy to control that with anything you are proposing.
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Old 09-21-2003, 11:20 PM
SaintDog SaintDog is offline
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While I can see that neither you, or Jelsoft as a company prefers to be in the middle of the dispute, it is up to the seller to collect the money. When the license is placed up for sale and is sold, it is then beyond the control of Jelsoft and its employees, hence it there is no reason to really restrict how many licenses are sold or transferred, honestly.

Buying over the internet is always a risk that another will have to take, only when you are dealing with a known company and those that work there is the risk of purchase brought down. If there is such a big issue buying via PayPal or another CC processor or payment platform, then Money Orders & checks are available, each of which eliminate such problems.

Restricting how many transfers can be done in a year is not really going to cut down the amount of sales or chargebacks, they are still going to happen regardless.

To be honest it would be best of Jelsoft would add a statement claiming no responsibility for transfers done to 3rd parties once the license is bought, as that seems like what is trying to be avoided here. You (i.e. Jelsoft), as any business or company do not want to have to deal with the issues that arise from online transfers not made within your holding. You cannot be held responsible for those not having sufficient funds, those doing chargebacks, or those falsely claiming to make a payment.

Don't get me wrong, I love vBulletin and the staff, including yourself, have been great and very helpful, heck, helping vBT grow has even added to the effect, but limiting what can be done with a license per year is not, honestly, going to solve the problems; at least as far as I can see, though adding a statement, as mentioned above probably would.
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Old 09-22-2003, 01:34 AM
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That may be the case but two people are losing here... Those buying used licenses and Jelsoft. The only other option was to not allow legal transfer of the license at all. However, it is ultimately the purchaser of used licenses that we are trying to protect with the policy so they don't lose their money which is often times unrecoverable.
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Old 09-22-2003, 04:33 AM
SaintDog SaintDog is offline
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I can see how the person who loses the money does lose in one case and that Jelsoft would 'possibly' lose money from losing a potential renewal in another case, though it is not up to Jelsoft or its emplyees to 'babysite' (for lack of a better word) the transfers that are being done.

Jelsoft as a company and you as an employee of, cannot control who may scam one or another just from speaking with them. While I perfectly understand the reasons you state and the reasons for the license agreement modifications, I simply think it could be done in a better way or with another method so as not to limit the transfers per year to a single license.

I personally own 4-5 licenses for vBulletin, a few live and others are just testing of which are not really 'in use' so to speak. I did plan to place the licenses to use in another method, though due to the new LA modification, I can now only do this once per year.

The having to hold on to it for 3 months is not an issue, certainly that can be argued against, but it is not a real problem; not as much so as the 1 year-1 license transfers.

All I am saying is that it could possibly be done another way to favor those that wish to dispense one to a few of their licenses with good reasoning.


I am splitting this thread into the lounge. The actual discussion side has been moved, while Wayne's original move comment has been left for informative purposes.

Links to original: http://www.vbulletintemplates.com/mo...ead.php?t=4591
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Old 09-22-2003, 04:53 AM
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The license agreement has not changed. All transfers were at our discretion. All we have done was firm up the guidelines for transferring a license with our approval. If the person wishes to transfer a license without our approval simply by giving out the customer number and password associated with it, then you are correct we cannot do anything about it. However without valid contact information the new owner cannot receive support either.
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