im going to 2.2.8 once out of RC after seeing a few issues in 2.2.7 in my own forum and others, ill let you know how the upgrade with via beyound compare.
In conclusion...
Go and upgrade! This release includes important fixes for everyone, and we would recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible. vBulletin 3 is on its way, so keep your eyes peeled on this forum. However, you will only be able to upgrade to vB 3.0 from the latest version of vB 2.2.x so we would recommend that you upgrade to this version for the time being.
its due to changes in the db schema, you can run 2.2.6 as long as you want, but when you upgrade to 3.0 you will need to run upgrade files on 2.x.x if its not the lastest verson. the upgrade script to 3.0 will only work with the lastest DB schema.
Well I'll upgrade to the latest 2.2.x when 3.0 comes out considering I'd loose all my mods anyway and then go to 3.0 from that. Why didn't I think of that earlier..