This forum is for hacks that is in BETA stage. This means your hack MUST BE tested and working ok at least in your own forum or in any vbulletin forum. Unfinished or untested hacks are NOT beta, so please do NOT send them here, but post them to GENERAL HACKING DISCUSSIONS forums, if your intention is to get some testers. A hack in beta stage means hack is tested by the author, working ok, but author does not know if the hack has undetected bugs or will work ok under different server conditions or vb versions. BETA HACKS FORUM is open for all hacks that meets this criteria.
Just a heads up. It won't be a hack and as such, it's not appropriate for release here. It's better suited for , which is one reason I never released it.
No, I haven't done anything with it, I'm a little stumpped and I'm testing Clourunners Paypal mod at the moment. That's why I asked for help.
I was hoping somebody with a bit more experience would have a look. I'm sure that whatever I did wrong will stick out to somebody who knows what thier looking at.