I`m looking for a module hack to add to our advanced cmps homeage that will pull a random image (picture, screenshot, photo, ect) from the database and display it in the center column.
The piece of information that you missed is..... database of what? Attachments? Some kind of Gallery software? Some other hack?
Over on vBadvanced.com the is a hack to do a random image with vBa Gallery... you could probably use that as a starting point but knowing where your images are coming from first would help.
Hey im interested in something similar to this, but i want a random thumbnail picture block on the one of the sides of the CMPS page, it will need to link to picture files in an FTP, not database pics
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94433&highlight=thumbnail+CMPS" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showt...thumbnail+CMPS</a> try that
The piece of information that you missed is..... database of what? Attachments? Some kind of Gallery software? Some other hack?
Over on vBadvanced.com the is a hack to do a random image with vBa Gallery... you could probably use that as a starting point but knowing where your images are coming from first would help.
OK I know it is 3 years later, but I`m still looking for this. I want it to pull from attachements made by me and the members. =)