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4images Gallery 1.7 + vB 3.0.x (update Oct 30) Details »»
4images Gallery 1.7 + vB 3.0.x (update Oct 30)
Version: 1.00, by mtha mtha is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2016 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.9 Rating:
Released: 06-19-2004 Last Update: 10-29-2004 Installs: 217
No support by the author.

Since Matrixgl didnt give much update over his post, so I make this release, with all the changes:
Original copyright go to 4images owner Jan Sorgalla

Integration 4images 1.7 / vBulletin 3.0.x
Copyright: (C) 2002 Jan Sorgalla
Integration to vBulletin 2.x by Jan
Integration to vBulletin 3.0.1 by mtha
Matrixgl for re-organize the hack
d1635d for adding the fix for 3.0.1
all others for comments and suggestions

Hack version:
Compatible vB version: 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3. other versions might need minor modifications

FOR integration with vB 3.5.0, check this thread:


- Use vBulletin's user table instead of 4images.
- Forum's members can access and upload pictures (depends on permissions)
- Forum's admin can administrate the album (unless you do the EXTRA part)
- Display Who is browsing album, in the Forum's WhoisOnline list

Changes and modifications
4images template to change: 1 (user_loginform.html)
4images file to replace: 1 (sessions.php)
4images file to edit: 3
vBulletin file to edit: 2
Query to run: 0
If you do EXTRA part, there're few queries to run, depends on what you want to do.
- vBulletin 3.0.x installed and working
- 4images 1.7 fresh installed and working
4images and vBulletin are installed to use the SAME database
- The "Remember username/password?" options only remember sessions for forum. (FIXED 06/22/04 - see update)

- This hack use default usergroup for album level, there're only4levels of Guest, User awaiting, User, Admin. See Extra section attheend for solution
- I didnt look at the "cooke path" and "cookie domain" yet, so it will use the default

Screenshot (thanks to MatrixGL):

Demo (thanks to MatrixGL):

You may want to edit your template, in order to have the forum's look and feel .

Previous discussions:

Dont forget to click

Update 03/24/2005
If you get error loging out of album:
in page_header.php, line 110

PHP Code:
"url_logout" => (!empty($url_logout)) ? $site_sess->url($url_logout) : $site_sess->url(ROOT_PATH."logout.php"), 
PHP Code:
"url_logout" =>(!empty($url_logout))?$site_sess->url($url_logout):$site_sess->url($url_app."login.php?do=logout&u=$user_info[user_id]"), 

Update 10/30/2004
Since meny people have problem with vB usergroup, I've add Usergroups arrays,
Now you can set multiple custom user groups to be USER, USER_WAITING, or ADMIN
By default:
$waitinggroups = array(3, 4); // vB Group should be waiting for moderate. seperate each group by comma
$usergroups = array(2, 7); // Groups that are USERS in album. seperate each group by comma
$admingroups = array(6); // vB groups that are ADMINS in album. seperate each group by comma
Update 10/20/2004
Sincemeny people ignore to config the "VB_TABLE_PREFIX" inconfiguration,I've pull all the prefix into one place, and make STRONGrequest tocheck this one.
If your album works fine, you dont have to update your files.
If you do want to apply the changes, here's where you can check:

define('VB_TABLE_PREFIX',''); // your vb tableprefix. vB default is blank
define('SESSIONS_TABLE', VB_TABLE_PREFIX.'session');
define('USERS_TABLE', VB_TABLE_PREFIX.'user');


define('VB_TEMPLATE_TABLE', VB_TABLE_PREFIX.'template');

Update 06/25/2004
Clean up some codes, add some more instructions. Adding constants for Cookie prefix, cookie timeout, album folder ...
If your album works fine, you dont have to update your files.
If you do want to ... work again, just follow all the steps

Update 06/22/04
IF you have "Remember username/password?" problem with album (Album session dont remember your logged in if you go directly to album - installed before 06/22/04)

Edit the attached sessions.php, and replace the VBLICENCE_NUMBER, and upload to your album/include/sessions.php


Manually edit:

In 4images sessions.php

Look for
PHP Code:
 if ($this->read_cookie_data("bbpassword")==$this->user_info['user_password']&&$this->user_info['user_level'] > USER_AWAITING) { 
replace by

PHP Code:
 if ($this->read_cookie_data("bbpassword")==md5($this->user_info['user_password']. 'XXXXXX')&&$this->user_info['user_level'] != USER_AWAITING) { 
CHANGE XXXXXX with your Licence Number, located on top of any of your vB file

NOTE: for those runing into table doesnt exist problem, check your VB_TABLE_PREFIX variable

Table '4images.template' doesn't exist
DB Error: Bad SQL Query: SELECT sessionhash FROM session
Table '4images.session' doesn't exist

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 03-25-2005, 01:52 AM
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Originally Posted by nosaj
Wow you are good! I am now error free!

I am going to make a post about giving credit (on our sites) to peoplelike mtha who help many in this forum and who ask for nothing inreturn.

note to others: I will post my site url to show as a sample of how youcan use 1 vb forum with multiple 4images galleries once the site ismade public.
actually I was intended to spend time cleaning up the instructions and fix bugs, but just never have time to have it done.

some quick questions, to those who use this hack, so I can release a new version, which can manage files better.

Do you want to use a seperate field in database for album_level or still use forum's user group?

- Advantage of using a different field for album level is: you canspecify who is album admin, and dont care if they are forum admin ornot. you may have seperate persons doing different jobs.
- Disadvantage: you will have to work more on the code to have it done,and change your database alittle bit , not too hard, I suppose, buteverytime you upgrade your vBulletin, you have to remember making thechange again.

If you think it's good and you want to have it that way, I will rewritethe code for the specific purpose. which supposed anyone who want touse it can install or upgrade
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Old 03-26-2005, 06:51 PM
nosaj nosaj is offline
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Do you want to use a seperate field in database for album_level or still use forum's user group?

- Advantage of using a different field for album level is: you canspecify who is album admin, and dont care if they are forum admin ornot. you may have seperate persons doing different jobs.
- Disadvantage: you will have to work more on the code to have it done,and change your database alittle bit , not too hard, I suppose, buteverytime you upgrade your vBulletin, you have to remember making thechange again.
Let me see if I understand this corretly:

Option 1: Fix a few bugs, but basically leave the mod the same.
Option 2: The webmaster will now have the ability to choose who has admin privileges in the Gallery separate from those who have admin privileges in the Forum.

I just installed it. But am I right in assuming that as it is writing now, if one user has admin privileges in the picture gallery they will also have admin privileges in the forum? But after rewriting the Mod and adding a separate field in database for album_level, the webmaster will then have the ability to choose who has admin privileges in the Gallery separate from those who have admin privileges in the forum?

As my site grows, I am going to want to give some users the ability to validate pictures in the Galleries (making my job easier), which I believe requires them to have admin privileges. However, I don't want those same users to have admin privileges in the Forum. With that said. My vote is to "use a separate field in database for album level". The extra work needed to do this I believe, will pay off in the long run.
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Old 03-26-2005, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by nosaj
Let me see if I understand this corretly:

Option 1: Fix a few bugs, but basically leave the mod the same.
Option 2: The webmaster will now have the ability to choose who hasadmin privileges in the Gallery separate from those who have adminprivileges in the Forum.

I just installed it. But am I right in assuming that as it is writingnow, if one user has admin privileges in the picture gallery they willalso have admin privileges in the forum? But after rewriting the Modand adding a separate field in database for album_level, the webmasterwill then have the ability to choose who has admin privileges in theGallery separate from those who have admin privileges in the forum?

As my site grows, I am going to want to give some users the ability tovalidate pictures in the Galleries (making my job easier), which Ibelieve requires them to have admin privileges. However, I don't wantthose same users to have admin privileges in the Forum. With that said.My vote is to "use a separate field in database for album level". Theextra work needed to do this I believe, will pay off in the longrun.
yeah, you got the main point.
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Old 03-29-2005, 08:59 AM
boiboi boiboi is offline
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I'm trying to have another script integrated to vbulletin, using this (4images / vbulletin) as a model. The programmer however insist on synching the database. Is synching database the best approach? The blog system I want synchronize uses even less user info than 4images, just email, username, and password.

I've installed 4images Gallery 1.7 + vB 3.0.x and it doesn't seem to do any sychronization. I'm not a programmer, but is my assumption correct?
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Old 03-29-2005, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by boiboi
I'm trying to have another script integrated to vbulletin, using this (4images / vbulletin) as a model. The programmer however insist on synching the database. Is synching database the best approach? The blog system I want synchronize uses even less user info than 4images, just email, username, and password.

I've installed 4images Gallery 1.7 + vB 3.0.x and it doesn't seem to do any sychronization. I'm not a programmer, but is my assumption correct?
What do you mean by "synching database"?

For 4images 1.7, I just use vB user table, and ... ignore 4images' user table, what do I need to synchronize?

However, the "best approach" depends on what you are doing, and what you need.
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Old 03-29-2005, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by mtha
What do you mean by "synching database"?

For 4images 1.7, I just use vB user table, and ... ignore 4images' user table, what do I need to synchronize?

However, the "best approach" depends on what you are doing, and what you need.
I know this is off-topic, but i'm using your integration as a model for other scripts to be integrated with vbulletin.

Someone I was trying to hire to integrate vb and a community blog script insisted that synching is necessary to sync both the user tables of vb and blog. the sync script would detect changes on either user tables (vb, blog) and will make the updates.

The following is a different blog script from the one i'll be using and this one is integrated with phpbb, but look closely at the instructions. it uses the same principle of synching the user tables instead of ignoring one of user tables like you said.


"The phpBB integration code -drupal_integration.php - the code that checks for a Drupal session and inserts the user (or updates) the phpBB database."
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Old 03-29-2005, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by boiboi
I know this is off-topic, but i'm using your integration as a model for other scripts to be integrated with vbulletin.

Someone I was trying to hire to integrate vb and a community blog script insisted that synching is necessary to sync both the user tables of vb and blog. the sync script would detect changes on either user tables (vb, blog) and will make the updates.

The following is a different blog script from the one i'll be using and this one is integrated with phpbb, but look closely at the instructions. it uses the same principle of synching the user tables instead of ignoring one of user tables like you said.


"The phpBB integration code -drupal_integration.php - the code that checks for a Drupal session and inserts the user (or updates) the phpBB database."
That is a different way of integrating two systems. Which one is better, depends on what you are doing, and what you need.

Sync seems to be easier, (as I can understand) because you dont have to edit/change the way two systems does. They work seperately/independent. You just make two user tables the same at all time (assuming). You can make modification to profile at one or the other place.

This one tends to use one user table (forum user table). you have to go to forum's profile in order to make changes, but you just need one and only one user profile

If your programmer insists on sync, go his way , because he is the one who do the job.
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Old 03-29-2005, 09:19 PM
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Thanks for your time, I have found another programmer who wants to do it the 4images way. He's also a vb user.

One final thought: Why didn't u decide to just sync 4images with vb?
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Old 03-29-2005, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by boiboi
Thanks for your time, I have found another programmer who wants to do it the 4images way. He's also a vb user.

One final thought: Why didn't u decide to just sync 4images with vb?
1. I didnt know how to do sync.
2. I am not the original author of this integration. Jan (who write 4images) did the integration for vB2, I just make it work with vB3.
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Old 03-31-2005, 07:44 AM
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Since I have integrated my VB 3.0.7 with a fresh copy of 4images 1.7.1 ,,I got my 4images running very very slow, and sometimes it does not load at all. I have double checked that I have done the installation in the right way.
I facethis problem whenever I add a file into the album. (even a single file), you will see that your album is not running or running very slow. "I don't get any error messages" Whenever you delete all images(or files) from the album.. IT WORKS FINE!!
I mean it works fine as long as it is EMPTY !!!

I have another 4images working on my server on the same website since 3 years, working very fine without any troubles. It has more than 500 files, and works very fast.!!!

Really strange!

Any help?
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