Do you see anything possibly in the future? If not, could you point me in the right direction of where to begin to set this up?
I have not looked at the code in about two weeks to be honest.
4.1.0 will not come out of beta for a while because I'm unhappy with the current method of showing thumbnails. If and when I change that I may release it.
For search, if at the time I go back to fix this I'm inspired, I may look at adding some search. I bet I could copy and paste alot of it, but no promises.
You can probably get the idea from search.php and it's templates, but ya need to search vbgarage tables. Indexes may have to be added to make it more efficient. I'm just not up to speed on that really.
EDIT. I don't know where I got search from, you asked about polls. I don't see any polls coming. Wouldn't know where to start.
Doesn't have to be polls, probably just some rating system per garage entry.
overload7, maybe you can describe how you would hope such a rating/voting system would work ?
Doesn't have to be polls, probably just some rating system per garage entry.
overload7, maybe you can describe how you would hope such a rating/voting system would work ?
Yes, the less work I have to do with conception, the more likely it will get coded. Maybe we can use the code from thread ratings.
I was thinking of a "vote for me" button on the bottom of each member's garage page. But the users should get only one vote per month/week/day, depending on what you're doing. I was also thinking of a badge or something to show past winners, to give recognition to those who have won in the past.