Does anyone know if it's illegal for such a feature to be made available on a website owned by someone who lives in the uk, but which is situated on an american server?
if the server is in the usa then the server company won't allow it because they are responsile - and you would probably lose your hosting contract. Anyway i think there is a similar lottery type law to the USA in england. That's why there is only camelot who can run lotteries. It's all part of the gambling act so you would need to check it out.
if the server is in the usa then the server company won't allow it because they are responsile - and you would probably lose your hosting contract. Anyway i think there is a similar lottery type law to the USA in england. That's why there is only camelot who can run lotteries. It's all part of the gambling act so you would need to check it out.
Yep! 100% illegal. was shut down by the Ohio State Attourney General's office a year or two ago. Don't take chances folks. It's not worth it. All you have ever made + some will be lost.
Yes, some non-profit orgs CAN do them, but this varies WIDELY by which state they are registered in. Texas limits you to 2 per year. Other states don't set limits, others require registration of the raffle... again that applies to LEGIT non-profit registered with the state organizations.
I see sites doing this all the time. But it's illegal!