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Warning Hack V1.5
Version: 1.00, by Zero Tolerance Zero Tolerance is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.3 Rating:
Released: 05-19-2004 Last Update: 07-12-2004 Installs: 161
No support by the author.

Version 1.5 Note: You must have v1 installed to upgrade, the upgrade process is small so there was no need to write out a fresh install.

It has come to my attention that a "decent" warning system isn't available here on vbulletin.org, which is quite a shame, and because forums like mine, and probably yours need a simple yet advanced warning system to keep things under wraps

Anyway, i thought i might aswell release what i made, prior to me getting off my ass... lol

Administration Features:
View Warning Logs
- Displays all warnings, warned user, warned by, link to the warned post, date, warning type, and the comment specified when the warning was given, and a remove warning link
(Remove will remove the log and also put the members warning level back down in accordance to how much it was increased by the selected warning removed)
Unban Banned Members
- A simple page that you should visit every few days, it will automatically ban any auto banned users by the warning system where there ban time has expired
Warning Options
- Here you can set the following:
-- Number of warn points before member is auto banned
-- Number of days a member is auto banned for
-- View Warnign Types
-- Add Warning Type
-- Add warning type has the following fields:
---- Name/Description/Warn Points Given

Forum Features:
Every post has "Warn [Name]" and "View [Names] Warnings"
These are only accessiable by a member group which is allowed to "moderate" (Moderating groups are auto detected)
Clicking the Warn link will bring you to a page where you view the user your warning, a link to review the warned post, members current warning level, and below the warning types, has a drop down menu to select the warning type, and a text field to put your comment for why this warning is been issued
Upon completing the warning form, the warned user will be Pm'ed from the person who warned them, with the comment put down and a link to the post

View Warnings link will display logs of only that specified user's warnings, the same features as the admin cp warning logs, only just for this user

Members can access only 1 page of the warning system, which is "View My Warnings", this link is added to the quick links drop down menu
Here they simple view there warnings, just like a moderator would, only without the remove warning link

V1.5 Features:
Protectable Usergroups:
No user's in these defined groups can be warned, or banned.
Root Admin Force Protection:
Userid 1 cannot be warned, canned be banned, this is not optional, this is forced for security.
New Unban Members Set Up:
Now displays all currently banned user's, what time they were banned, what time they are supposed to be unbanned. You may unban the user even if there time has not expired (You will be notificed if they have not served the time issued upon ban, but not stopped). Upon unbanning, you choose the members 'new' warning level and the user's usergroup to move them into
Set banned usergroup:
You can now easily choose from a drop down menu which usergroup user's are sent to if after been warned they are banned.

V1.5 Bug Fixes:
- User locations in 'Users online' shown as unknown if they are warning/viewing warnings (Priority: Medium)
- Unban members system renovated and now fully works (Priotity: Maximum)
- No mysql errors upon sending a pm if the PM table had been altered (Priotity: Maximum)
- New protectable usergroups to stop any group of your choice been banned (Priotity: Maximum)
- Last time visited didn't appear when error page occured (Priotity: Low)
- Un-used global in PM function (Priority: Low)

I hope you enjoy the system, my staff teamare very pleased with it and find it of great use, enjoy the hack

- Zero Tolerance

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-18-2004, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by sv1cec
Anyone interested in acting as a guinea pig to test it out before releasing it?

My Sun run out of disk space, so I need to do some maintenance before I can test the whole installation thing. If someone is willing to try it out, it will speed things up significantly. All you need is a clean 3.0x installation (without Zero Tolerance's things).

I attach here the ... Features List, I think you will find it interesting:

- post- and non-post-related warnings
- hierarchical warning schema (mods can warn users, super mods can warn mods and users, admins can warn everyone, no same-level warnings)
- hidden or real warners
- customizable maximum warning points
- customizable ban days
- customizable ban user group and permanent ban user group
- supports incremental banning periods
- supports multiple warnings for the same post
- warned members are notified either by Private Message or e-mail
- maintains historical listings of issued warnings (even if deleted or expired)
- customizable warning types
- each warning type has predefined warning points associated with it
- each warning type has predefined maturity period, after which it is automatically removed
- reports for admin, and mods
- cron job included to automatically remove matured warnings
- uses vBulletin's cron job, to automatically unban banned users
- all options are setable in your AdminCP
- user warning points and number of bans viewable in your AdminCP user template.

I can give a try, no problem.

I've waiting for your mod-hack long time. Really useful the modifications you made for the Zero Tolerance's idea.

PM me the url for download it and i'll be in contact with you for bugs and feedback.
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Old 11-19-2004, 03:11 AM
Scerina Scerina is offline
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Can someone install this for me please? Also, can this hack be part of mod's power as well so they can do the same?

If you can help me out, please email me at: Pandora@Sweet-November.Net

Thanx in advance
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Old 11-19-2004, 03:28 PM
taffy056 taffy056 is offline
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Nice hack, Thanks!

Installed with no problem mostly, had do it twice though, but it works fine.
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Old 11-20-2004, 02:28 AM
Torqued Torqued is offline
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Ok. Got it installed.. found just a few of minor issues:

Found this issue when going to View Warning Logs when no warnings exist, I get the following:

Could not find phrase 'no_warnings_found'.

The above phrase is not defined in the install instructions.

So I just added the Control Panel Stop phrase no_warnings_found with text "No warnings found."

And this:

Originally Posted by in the postbit template edit instructions
In the same template, find:

<if condition="$show['reputation']">$post[reputationdisplay]</if>
But I have this (vB 3.03):

<if condition="$show['reputation']"><if condition="$show['reppower']">$vbphrase[reppower]: $post[reppower] </if><div>$post[reputationdisplay]</div></if>
And just put the code to be inserted after that last </if>

Also, you may want to remind people to edit the warn_em and warn_pm templates to replace your domain (M1911.ORG) with theirs.

Found one more thing... For some reason, the active warning points are not being totaled correctly. Plz see the attached screenshot.
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Old 11-20-2004, 06:18 AM
sv1cec sv1cec is offline
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Originally Posted by Torqued
Ok. Got it installed.. found just a few of minor issues:

Found this issue when going to View Warning Logs when no warnings exist, I get the following:

Could not find phrase 'no_warnings_found'.

The above phrase is not defined in the install instructions.

So I just added the Control Panel Stop phrase no_warnings_found with text "No warnings found."

And this:

But I have this (vB 3.03):

And just put the code to be inserted after that last </if>

Also, you may want to remind people to edit the warn_em and warn_pm templates to replace your domain (M1911.ORG) with theirs.

Found one more thing... For some reason, the active warning points are not being totaled correctly. Plz see the attached screenshot.
OK, I did the changes suggested (the phrase and the location of the additions in postbit).

I also changed the warn_em and warn_pm templates to use $vboptions[bbtitle].

As for the totals of points, this is an issue. The thing is, when a member is below the banning limit (which let's assume is 10 points) and he has let's say 8, and he gets another warning for 5 points, his total doesn't become 13, it becomes 10. In other words, if the total points exceed the ban limit, then the points for that member get set to the ban limit (10). If you then unban the member and you remove some of his warnings, then his total gets decreased by the number of points that the warnings you removed had. So, let's assume that he gets down to 6, after you remove a couple of his warnings and unban him (please note that unbanning a member does not remove any points from his total, it just changes his ban status). Now if you add another warning worth 5 points, he is going to 11, gets banned and his total is again set to the maximum, which is 10.

So, you cannot just add the points from the list of his warnings and expect to find his total mentioned at the end of the list. This was how this warning hack worked from the beginning, and I am not sure I know a better way to do it.

Until I come up with something different, I guess this is an acceptable way to handle the issue.

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Old 11-20-2004, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by sv1cec
As for the totals of points, this is an issue. The thing is, when a member is below the banning limit (which let's assume is 10 points) and he has let's say 8, and he gets another warning for 5 points, his total doesn't become 13, it becomes 10. In other words, if the total points exceed the ban limit, then the points for that member get set to the ban limit (10). If you then unban the member and you remove some of his warnings, then his total gets decreased by the number of points that the warnings you removed had. So, let's assume that he gets down to 6, after you remove a couple of his warnings and unban him (please note that unbanning a member does not remove any points from his total, it just changes his ban status). Now if you add another warning worth 5 points, he is going to 11, gets banned and his total is again set to the maximum, which is 10.
That makes sense if they are above the max limit for points for a ban, but in my screenshot, the active warnings ( 5 pts, 3 pts, 1 pts) add up to 9 points, which is 1 point less than the 10 point max, but the system is only reporting that the user has 6 points...
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Old 11-20-2004, 01:30 PM
sv1cec sv1cec is offline
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Obviously, you have removed some of the warnings. This, depending on when they were removed, may have affected the total in some way. I'll check it out, and I'll also add the date the warning was removed in the file, so that we can have a better idea of what's going on. But I am pretty sure it doesn't screw up adding the points. It's when you remove them or when the banning limit is reached that things get funny.

Also, when you remove warnings, and the points go below zero, they are obviously reset to zero.

And a couple of questions:

- Suppose a member commits an offence and is issued a warning. Shall I add as an option, next time he is warned for the same offence to get a multiple of the warning type's points? First time 2, second time 4 points.

- Second, if a member is already banned once, shall we multiply each warning he receives by a factor. So if someone is banned already once and he gets a warning worth 2 points, he doesn't get 2 but he gets 4, for example.

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Old 11-20-2004, 08:10 PM
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Personally, I probably wouldn't use the multiplier function. Other users may want it, though... so if it was a setting that could be turned on and off, that would be nice.

I'll see if I can re-create the problem I'm having with the total warning points. I haven't been able to duplicate it so far.
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Old 11-20-2004, 08:59 PM
burrelly burrelly is offline
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I really love this hack but there are a few things that would be really useful for me:

Warnings are only active for certain amount of time ( warning of 1 point given for advertising taken off after 8 weeks)

Get what I mean ?
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Old 11-20-2004, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by burrelly
I really love this hack but there are a few things that would be really useful for me:

Warnings are only active for certain amount of time ( warning of 1 point given for advertising taken off after 8 weeks)

Get what I mean ?
Uh. This hack has that - you set the # of days that you want each kind of warning to expire.
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