well right now its kinda dead after updateing to vb3 kinda killed it was hopeing it would work with both versons because it was standalone code but all the way of how cookies and everything works as been redone so the code for the it has got to be redone so it works with vb 3 as thats going be what most will be useing once it goes rc.
Hey is your hack available? i've been looking for a messenger like dis since i got vb :surprised:
boy this topics old. it was out on here for vb3 even when vb3 was in beta, i was let to post it in the vb2 forum when vb3 was in beta due to the fact it was a add on aand in no way edited vb's files or database.
but due to some users thinking and deminding for me to do this and that when it was made very clear no support would be able to be given i have pulled the hack because i just dont need the crap from a hand full of people. sad really that a hand full of people make something like this happen and im not the first or last to have that prob.
boy this topics old. it was out on here for vb3 even when vb3 was in beta, i was let to post it in the vb2 forum when vb3 was in beta due to the fact it was a add on aand in no way edited vb's files or database.
but due to some users thinking and deminding for me to do this and that when it was made very clear no support would be able to be given i have pulled the hack because i just dont need the crap from a hand full of people. sad really that a hand full of people make something like this happen and im not the first or last to have that prob.
boy this topics old. it was out on here for vb3 even when vb3 was in beta, i was let to post it in the vb2 forum when vb3 was in beta due to the fact it was a add on aand in no way edited vb's files or database.
but due to some users thinking and deminding for me to do this and that when it was made very clear no support would be able to be given i have pulled the hack because i just dont need the crap from a hand full of people. sad really that a hand full of people make something like this happen and im not the first or last to have that prob.
I think I missed it when you released it. If it's still available, I am happy to purchase a copy. Let me know.