I want to be able to put the navbits from the "navbar" template in my header.
That will be quite abit of work, as i dont think you can actualy put it into the header directly as the navbits are evaled on each page, and the header globaly.
Do you mean the actual navigation or the breadcrumbs?
Breadcrumbs would be difficult as Zachery points out. But the actual navigation is pretty easy. I've done it and it's not that complicated. I put all navigation in the header and left the breadcrumbs only in the forums. This way I can use my header/footer site wide without having different header/footers for other areas of the site. Just two template edits.. the Navigation and breadcrumbs and the header templates.
Since it's a template modification, this should really be at vbulletingtemplates.com. Post there and I'll explain.