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vBulletin POP3 / IMAP Email Client for vB3 - Web-based access to POP email accounts! Details »»
vBulletin POP3 / IMAP Email Client for vB3 - Web-based access to POP email accounts!
Version: 1.00, by Erwin Erwin is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2013 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.3 Rating:
Released: 06-16-2004 Last Update: Never Installs: 154
No support by the author.

vBulletin POP3 / IMAP Email Client
Version 1.4 for vBulletin 3.x.x by Dr Erwin Loh

World's easiest hack to install! Upload a file, and you're done! No templates to add, no files to edit!!!

Ever wanted to access your POP3 or IMAP email account when you are away from your Outlook Express? Sick of Hotmail and free web-based email addresses, and want to just stick with your ISP email account? Want to be able to use a web-based interface? Want to be able to integrate this interface into your forums and offer it to your members?

Here we have it - I've created a file that does all that.


1. Only 1 file to upload, no templates, no file edits!
2. Automatic integration into your forums, with your forum colors and layout.
3. Accesses any POP3 or IMAP email account.
4. Ability to bypass any firewalls that any mail servers may have.
5. Ability to READ, REPLY, REPLY ALL, DELETE, FORWARD, and COMPOSE emails using the interface.
6. Ability to read HTML emails.
7. Ability to ATTACH files.
9. Ability to show HEADERS of emails.
10. Ability to allow certain usergroups access to this.
11. Ability to allow or disallow users from changing their FROM: email address
12. Ability to let yourself change the FROM: email address at at all times.
13. Your user can use this to access their ISP email account, or (Yahoo email or Hotmail premium accounts) via your forums!


Upload email.php into your forums directory, link to it, and you've got an instant web-based POP3/ IMAP email interface in your forums!

Nothing else to do!

By default, this allows registered members, moderators and admins access only. You can edit the top of email.php to add or remove usergroupids easily.


At the top of the PHP file, you can change the variables to:

1. Decide which usergroups can use this
2. Allow or disallow the changing of the FROM: email address (security update)
3. Exempt yourself so you can always change the FROM: email address


1) This hack requires PHP 4 or higher on your server.

2) This hack requires you to have IMAP support compiled with PHP on your server. If you get a error like "imap_open undefined function", then you dont have IMAP support. Sorry!

If you see this error message, you do NOT have IMAP compiled with PHP:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in /home/yourforums/public_html/forum/email.php on line 652

Please click the install link at the bottom of this thread for updates.


Add-Ons (OPTIONAL) -

1) Username and Mail Server saved in Member Profile:

To make the Username and Password become part of a member's profile (I don't suggest to include password as well as staff can then have access to this), just create 2 custom profile fields in your Admin CP - one for Username, the other for Mail Host Server. Make sure they do not show up in the user's profile.

Then, note down the custom profile ID number of each of the 2 custom profile fields (hover your mouse over the link to each, and it's the number at the very end of the URL in the status bar).

Then, in email.php, find:

PHP Code:
if ($CMD=="")
    if (!
Underneath, add:

PHP Code:
$user $bbuserinfo[fieldx];
$host $bbuserinfo[fieldy]; 
Change x to the ID number of the username profile ID, and y to the ID number of the host mail server profile ID. Done!

2) Force user to use a specific mail server:

In email.php, find:

PHP Code:
$HTML .= "<tr><td align=right>Server: </td><td><input TYPE=text NAME=host value='$host'></td></tr>\n"
Change to:

PHP Code:
$HTML .= "<input TYPE=hidden NAME=host value='mail.yourserver.com'>"
Change 'mail.yourserver.com' to your own mail server subdomain name.

3) To force users to use only POP3 or IMAP

In email.php, find:

PHP Code:
$HTML .= "<tr><td align=right>Type: </td><td> POP3<INPUT TYPE=radio size=1 NAME=opt group=opt value='POP3' checked>";
$HTML .= "IMAP <INPUT TYPE=radio size=1 NAME=opt group=opt value='IMAP'></td></tr>";
// $HTML .= "<input type='hidden' name='opt' value='POP3'>\n"; // set to IMAP als IMAP 
Replace with:

PHP Code:
$HTML .= "<input type='hidden' name='opt' value='POP3'>"
Change POP3 to IMAP if you wish.


Version 1.1 - removed the vB2 variable $bburl which was left over.
Version 1.2 - removed the vB2 variable $bbtitle, changed it to vB3, and also fixed up the table heading variable - purely cosmetic.
Version 1.3 - added automatic navbar support.
Version 1.4 - fixed email address server name domains, removed 1 query by caching template, fixed Attachment: alignment.


1. Login screen
2. List of emails
3. Reading emails
4. Composing emails


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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-24-2004, 12:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Erwin
And thanks kall! Maybe I should add it to my hack...
You are most welcome Mr Erwin Sir.

However, the real thanks goes to gwhooey, who pointed out the post in your vb2 thread, and to whoever it was that posted said post.

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Old 06-24-2004, 12:25 AM
WAR WAR is offline
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Originally Posted by WAR
I am positive that I am using the correct information for my username and host's pop server (I can access it fine using outlook using the same info)

I have successfully logged in a couple of times to two of my pop accounts, but the greater majority of the time I get the same blank page everyone else is describing with the following url in the address bar:

I am still having the same trouble with this...

It seems to work correctly about 10-15% of the times I try it, but once it has failed it will not work again until I delete all of my cookies, clear out my internet cache, and wait for a few hours.

It also doesn't matter which pop account I am trying to log in to (I have 3 that I am trying to access, two of which are from my own servers)

Any recommendations on what I can try to either fix this or further steps I can take to help diagnose what is wrong?

Does it matter that I have the email.php file located in my /forum/ directory? Is that the same place everyone else has it? (I had assumed that was where it went but couldn't find any actual documentation that that is where it is supposed to go)
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Old 06-24-2004, 12:55 AM
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couldn't get past a white screen after submitting.
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Old 06-24-2004, 01:13 AM
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In case it is helpful...

the exact sequence that occurs:

I attempt to login with

username = allenbm@sbcglobal.net
server = pop.sbcglobal.yahoo.com
password = <my password>

after a few seconds I am redirected to this url:

(mydomain.net was edited by me in this post)

if I then re-enter the information (exactly the same as before) then with almost no pause at all (like something is cached improperly) I am taken to this url:

and displayed in my browser is the
The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

returning to email.php after this has happened and re-enterring the same information (which I am positive is correct) continues to take me directly to the http://www.mydomain.net/forum/email.php?CMD=cookie URL with no apparent attempt to reload the information.
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Old 06-24-2004, 01:42 AM
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Sounds like weird cookie problems. Not sure the cause of that to be honest. Some servers run this hack without problems - I've run this on 2 different setups, and so have other people who've installed this. Other people have servers that do not have IMAP, or have different setups that are just incompatible.
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Old 06-24-2004, 06:55 AM
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Originally Posted by kall
Err...have I been tachied or something?

Check this post that I made in this thread.

It fixed the issue for me.
Thanks but that didn't solve the problem for me, still getting the mail from nobody@myhost.com although I see now that my email address that it shows is correct when I'm logged in. ?
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Old 06-24-2004, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by kall
Err...have I been tachied or something?

Check this post that I made in this thread.

It fixed the issue for me.

Yeah, same issue (nobody@host.com) .. Tried that, didn't work..

Thnx though..
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Old 07-02-2004, 12:47 PM
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Question: Is there a way to add an automatic session timeout in the event the user does not logout manually?
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Old 07-02-2004, 05:38 PM
Shan Shan is offline
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*Clicks Install

THis is an awesome addition.

I am having one issue. After deleting some messages on my IMAP server, I got this error:

Warning: date(): Windows does not support dates prior to midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 in C:\Net\wwwroot\hosted\forums.clanterritory.com\email.php on line 244
Also, I always see the e-mail headers. When I click the show headers button, it takes me to a another pages where I see two copies of the e-mail headers above the message.

Is there a way to make the username and host name the user logs into with the first time automatically get added to the custom userprofile fields we added in your optional addition?

I would love it if the next version could feature these enhancements.
  • A folder pane with the folders listed in a heiarchy on the left of the messages
  • HTML support for the messages
  • Not sure if it is possible, but it seems to run slowly compared to the other web client I use...any speed increases for IMAP would be appreciated.
  • Use a paperclip icon to display whether a mail has an attachment
  • Convert HTML links into links when viewing the message
  • Display the normal forum toolbar and breadbox above mail
  • Match the style of the page to the style used on the page it was linked from
  • Make unread messages appear in bold
  • Both the message and the sender should be hyperlinks that open the message as some messages come in without a sendername and you cannot open those in your tool
  • An easy method to copy or move messages to other folders.

In POP3 mode, does it leave a copy of the message on the server so that it will stay there until you delete it?

How do I make IMAP be the default radio button instead of POP3? Is there any way to store the default in a profile like we can the username and host?

As I said, this is an excellent addition to the forum. I really like it! Great work!

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Old 07-07-2004, 11:21 PM
gwhooooey gwhooooey is offline
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How would I get the navbar to show?

I've edited it quite a bit to my liking, that's the only thing really missing. Thanks for your help and great hack
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