Please make a backup of your database, before installing this hack
This hack will show you an extra side with some Stats.
- show Summary stats
- show the Browser/Os System of the users
- show the countrys (countrys by Hoster and Countries by browserlanguage)
- show the last 10 threads
- show the last 20 top referers
- show spiders and crawlers
- Forum book of records (new)
- Statistic for the last ten days (new)
and many, many other interesting counts
Files to edit
Just one template
New files
4 new php files
6 templates
a lot (but very small) images
Database changes
six new tables
I will try to give support for this hack
BIG UPDATE ( to version 1.01)
Upload a new zipfile 11. June 2004 Reason
I have fix some bugs
The images Bhutan will show now. (If you install the old version you must change in table _statistik_laender under id 31 the flagge_link for Bhutan from images/statistik/flaggen/butan.gif to images/statistik/flaggen/bhutan.gif manuelly)
some templates are optimzed (Thank you obsidian and Zelda King)
I have modified the code for the last 10 threads (thanks go to Mystics from vBulletin Germany)
Now theads just show from the forum ids for all forums user is allowed to view.
fix some other little bugs
Statistic Version 2.0 is finish.
I will release the new version later this day.
I give no more support for the Version 1.01.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I think about that.
Maybe in a future version.
I have a lot of ideas.
As will see which is still possible to integrate.
is it possible to display this stats only for few usergroups ?
like admins, mods, etc. and disable for rest.
if yes, please let me know how.
so that i can install it on my forums
i just downloaded the attachment
but hack is not in proper english yet can some change the language ?
PCFreak - great hack. Just installed the English version. Though you should know that there are numerous lines in your SQL files to run that don't contain #, so these are being interpreted as commands and the query fails to run. I've run them all individually and they run ok, but others with a bit less experience might get tripped up on this, so you may want to amend.
None of my stats work except the first section with the Threads, users, PM, database stats and the like. Maybe I've not waited long enough for it to update but how long should I wait? It's been some time now.
I updated with the new statistik.php but look at the Sektion "Avantar / Profilpics" and "The Top 20 Referer of our Visitors from Celebrity Markt" at my Forum.
None of my stats work except the first section with the Threads, users, PM, database stats and the like. Maybe I've not waited long enough for it to update but how long should I wait? It's been some time now.
Thanks for the help in advanced.
Nice hack and it looks quite cool!
Add this code
without ####################
This is just a Break sign
sorry some german word?s
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