Description of the Hack:
This is a basic vBulletin-powered Bug-Tracker
It is based on vB-Todolist originalli created by RekiM who kindly gave me permission to make this "port".
User-definable Types, Severities and States
Front-End fully phrased
Various possibilities to Filter/Search
vBulletin 3 RC2
mySQL > 4.0.2
Please note that this is an alpha release only and I can't and
won't take any responsibilities. Use it as-is at you own risk.
HACK INSTALLATION DETAILS: New files for this Hack:
Files modified for this Hack:
New templates for this Hack:
New DB tables for this Hack:
If someone knows where I can get the "temporay" phrases list... that be very helpfull. That is the only thing keeping me from relasing the new version.
I'm not sure I understand what you are looking for?
TO use HTL for everyone to has it installed, I need the temp files. It the hack I reluctlly had to install because lots of people have it. The "list" is to help the system download the correct files. I might just have to make it manually.
@Stadler: I am opening up my code once I get ym CVS server online so people can help out. If you want to send your code now to my email address bugs at bugssite dot org I can add the with the fixes I've done. If there was any template changes I would need those as well. I am as well waiting for Kirby to get back to me.
Email, Notification System is on hold till I can get this release out at least on my end. Otherwise right now I have totoally re-originized the code into format and functioniality. My users love it on
@Stadler: I am opening up my code once I get ym CVS server online so people can help out. If you want to send your code now to my email address bugs at bugssite dot org I can add the with the fixes I've done. If there was any template changes I would need those as well. I am as well waiting for Kirby to get back to me.
Would be nice if this hack could have multiple instances.. in other words, have multiple installs and assign seperate bug tracking areas to different projects within a single site.. this way, for something like what i would want, you can have one group with a project that has one bug tracking section, another group with a seperate bug tracking area to support another totally seperate project.. have so a prefix is attached to each seperate bug tracker instance so bug id's wouldn't be duplicated within the bug tracker tables..
can this hack support that? i have not seen it mentioned anywhere within the thread and doing a search for "multiple" within the thread returned zero results..
Would be nice if this hack could have multiple instances.. in other words, have multiple installs and assign seperate bug tracking areas to different projects within a single site.. this way, for something like what i would want, you can have one group with a project that has one bug tracking section, another group with a seperate bug tracking area to support another totally seperate project.. have so a prefix is attached to each seperate bug tracker instance so bug id's wouldn't be duplicated within the bug tracker tables..
can this hack support that? i have not seen it mentioned anywhere within the thread and doing a search for "multiple" within the thread returned zero results..
We're just trying to get the bugs fixed right now dude, as the original author either isn't supporting it or cannot do so. What you want.....don't hold your breath for two long, if you know what I am saying.
Frankly, for that kind of complexity, you would be better off with something like Mantis or phpbugtracker.
We're just trying to get the bugs fixed right now dude, as the original author either isn't supporting it or cannot do so. What you want.....don't hold your breath for two long, if you know what I am saying.
Frankly, for that kind of complexity, you would be better off with something like Mantis or phpbugtracker.
To beleive it or not I have thought of that and added to to a the "new feature" in my "To Do" tracker
With many devlopers for just one things, but as ixian said.. we are working on the fixes first and then we can go into MORE fun stuff.
We're just trying to get the bugs fixed right now dude, as the original author either isn't supporting it or cannot do so. What you want.....don't hold your breath for two long, if you know what I am saying.
Frankly, for that kind of complexity, you would be better off with something like Mantis or phpbugtracker.
Six more weeks have passed so let's just move this thing into the full release section already. It delivers what it says on the outside of the box and that will be enough for most of us. I didn't know if he wanted new suggestions, I cannot remember now....I might even have exchanged messages with Kirby|DE. Maybe I am mistaken? But anyway, he clearly was not going to make this is a big deal so let's just consider it a finished product.