Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
If these subforums are for the purposes of your international organization then you are not against the license agreement. If however you are creating forums for additional organizations and therefore sub-licensing vBulletin, then you are violating the license.
Wayne just gave the answer folks.
1. The website entity owns the VB license. In other words, the license belongs to "MyWebsite Club", running vb as forums.mywebsite.com. Be sure to write by-laws and/or a constitution and elect the minimum officers required by law, normally a President, VP and secretary. Treasurers are required if money is exchanged (ie membership dues)
2. As part of the registration, members agree that they are also members of "MyWebSite Club". Now they are part owner of the VB license, since it is owned by the entity, not an individual. A single individual is merely the point-of-contact.
3. Any club member in good standing, as dictated by the by-laws can create any number of sub-forums. Any look and feel and any topic. It is not a license violation since they are part owner.
And that is that.