this hack wont be back - well not in is current form anyway - if jelsoft back down i bet they make it so its a restricted version of what it could of been.
GameCrash congrats m8 on a well thought out hack.I was waiting for it to come out of beta like many others and never thought for a min it would get removed.
Also after reading all the posts - one thing aint certain
Personally i think this is a brilliant hack , it's has enabled me to do what i wanted with my forum. Seperate headers/styles per forum. This hack is the closest that comes to it & in fact makes it really easy to do it.
Yes i know you can select a different style per forum , but this way is much easier to manage. If jelsoft does decide this is an "illegal" hack against their liscence system then i will forget about the fact im up for renewal. And stick with what i have.
And as was stated in a previous post by nighteye's , it could be construed that we are allready violating the agreement by having admins who can access the admin menu.
Personally if so i shall get legal advice on this - as Jelsoft would be nullifying their aggreement by giving us the ability to make admins.
GameCrash, how many people read a license before they accually use a software / program?
about 5-10% read part of it and less read the whole thing. Just because someone says you cant unless you have the power to enforce it its hard stoping them.
With what reason do you want to forbid us to do everything a license allows just because it could be others do not read a license? I'm realy not understanding the logic here...
With what reason do you want to forbid us to do everything a license allows just because it could be others do not read a license? I'm realy not understanding the logic here...
Thats not what i was saying, many people do things that are not correct with a software even if they do read the license, try reading the whole MS EULA when you install WindowsXP next time.
My point is someone is probaly going to abuse this, it sort of borders on a lockdown hack in a sense.
But Wayne did say it was going to go under review, not removed totaly, unless ive miss another one of his posts.
If jelsoft does decide this is an "illegal" hack against their liscence system then i will forget about the fact im up for renewal. And stick with what i have.
This is an interesting point as I have got a nice email today (really) that states my license expires in one week...
addon to my post. After reading the liscence again. It could be deemed that we would need written consent to have an admin.! - well it could be interprited that way anyway.
addon to my post. After reading the liscence again. It could be deemed that we would need written consent to have an admin.!
No, it couldn't. There's no way the license could be interpreted to mean that. The prohibitions refer specifically to distribution of the software, and do not refer to use of it.