Version: 1.00, by Velocd
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 3.0.0
Released: 02-14-2004
Last Update: Never
Installs: 63
No support by the author.
The Eggdrop IRC Manager (EIM) is a TCL script for NIX Eggdrop or Win32 Windrop.
It will allow you to refresh your forum home with information about your channel, such as the nicks currently in it, the record users, and the activity of the channel.
This is a port from my IRC Channel Manager, yet that hack was for MIRC and had some bugs.
I created a new thread for this hack as the audience is different. Most people seeking eggdrops wont look into the mIRC thread.
The eggdrop version is far better than the former, so I highly recommend you make the switch if you're capable of running eggdrop.
Only drawback currently is that you must run multiple bots with the script if you intend to update multiple channels. I will be working on a version that allows 1 bot to update multiple channels.
For those using IRC Channel Manager, making the upgrade is easy, just refer to the installation manual.
Examples attached. Enjoy!
Notice 1:
Ah yes, I forgot to mention the two manual bot commands in the documentation.
As a bot owner, type !refresh to manually refresh the channel. Type !startact to do the initial start of the activity timer. Both these commands should be performed when you first place your bot on the channel or after you rehash it when installing the script. You wont have to run these scripts again, unless your bot exits the channel.
Notice 2:
Your bot will refresh your channel whenever someone leaves, changes nick, joins, is kicked, topic change, or a mode change occurs (such as someone being op'd, voiced, etc.)
On a large traffic intensive channel, this will make your bot very busy. Just be aware of this. I'll plan for a timer-version, where the bot updates every X minutes, in the future.
Will this work with my java IRC client? (pjIRC, etc.)
Read what an eggdrop is. Once you figure it out, you'll know that they are completely independent things.
Different servers. It doesn't matter what server the eggdrop is on due to the fact that the eggdrop script uses the http module to send the details to the vB hack.
Just noticed something weird.. When it lists out a lot of names from a chat room, it eventually stops and just does alot of , , , , , , ,
I just recently changed my IRC server for my site, since MIRC-X died, and on the new server,, my bot is handling the script much like your case.
It seems it is a server issue, and maybe data is being sent differently. I'll be checking it out.
Incomplete listing of members on forum home (see this post)
Note, you will have to recreate your channel through the vBulletin Admincp Irc page in order for this to take effect.
Now strips color, bold, inverse, and underline codes from topic.
To update, just reupload ircadmin.php and overwrite your ircrefresh.tcl with the new file.