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Old 12-09-2003, 10:01 AM
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Default Considering a Switch, Will I find what I need?

I use Invision at the moment, and I adore it... But my site is growing at an annoying rate, and the more action you have, the better more flexible features you need... u.u Evil users. I've been looking at VB and some of the features are very similar, and some are new and attractive. I'd like to see if it's worth the cash to spend or if I need to kidnap a coder and lock them in my basement. XD

I am looking for the following things! If they are standard features (yay!) or mods somewhere, that'd be great. Most of these things I currently have installed on my Invision and I would like too keep, others are mods I really really need but have yet to find somewhere.

Spell Checking - I think this already standard?

Multiple Subforums - Subforums within subforums!

Forums/Member Pruning - With multiple options like last active date, register date, post date, ect, ect.

Site Intergration - The ability to create outside pages using the VB skins AND/OR simply member protect pages where a user must be logged or in a certain user group to view outside pages. Including pages inside and outside of the VB forum folders...

Portal Index - can be the index or a seperate page, inside or outside of the VB folder.

Refferal System - New resgisters can input who reffered them and users refferals will display in thier profile.

Shared Members - Run multiple forums using the exact same members tables. (or other user tables such as avatars, skins ect...)

Topic Ratings - ratings of topics!

RPG/Battle/Shop System - Another thing I'd reeaaally like to keep for my board. Battling, Items shops ("dud" items and board feature items), money, ect.

User Alias - Allow users to create multiple aliases with seperate avatars and siggys without having to register multiple accounts. They can choose which alias to post with while posting a new topic/reply/poll <- REALLY REALLY need this. I'd switch for this option alone. And if it doesn't exist and someone is interesting in coding this, I can explain it's functions down the the nitty gritty details.

I've read some messages about Invision crapping out when you get around 50megs of database usage... Is this true or just random gossip? Cause my board is well on it's to being that active and I might hurt someone if my forums crash again. (and this time not being my own fault. u.u) Along this note, my boards are pretty active, so is there lots of room to really grow and expand on VB without taxing the resources? (bandwidth and database uses especially!)

And is it possible to switch from Invision to VB without loosing all of my forum data? (not including mods, since I'm already sure something like that can't usually be converted. XD)

Help is very much appreciated!
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Old 12-09-2003, 10:34 AM
Brad Brad is offline
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- Spell Checking - I think this already standard?

It was stock but the service they used as scence went belly up, there are tons of hacks using differnt methods around here that rang from 3rd party sites to php powered spell checking

Multiple Subforums - Subforums within subforums!


Forums/Member Pruning - With multiple options like last active date, register date, post date, ect, ect.


Site Intergration - The ability to create outside pages using the VB skins AND/OR simply member protect pages where a user must be logged or in a certain user group to view outside pages. Including pages inside and outside of the VB forum folders...

Lots of hacks that will do this. Search for webtemplates

Portal Index - can be the index or a seperate page, inside or outside of the VB folder.

Tons, vBhome, vBindex, vBportal to name a few

Refferal System - New resgisters can input who reffered them and users refferals will display in thier profile.

stock, some advancments avaiable with hacks

Shared Members - Run multiple forums using the exact same members tables. (or other user tables such as avatars, skins ect...)

It has been done but im not aware if anyone has released it, vB 3 has the ground work to do this, shared db's may be stock in 3.1

Topic Ratings - ratings of topics!


RPG/Battle/Shop System - Another thing I'd reeaaally like to keep for my board. Battling, Items shops ("dud" items and board feature items), money, ect.

Hacks for all this are here on vB.org

User Alias - Allow users to create multiple aliases with seperate avatars and siggys without having to register multiple accounts. They can choose which alias to post with while posting a new topic/reply/poll <- REALLY REALLY need this. I'd switch for this option alone. And if it doesn't exist and someone is interesting in coding this, I can explain it's functions down the the nitty gritty details.

I re-call seeing this somewhere but I am not sure if a hack is released or not.
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Old 12-09-2003, 10:44 AM
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Excellent, thanks! ^o^ I've been snooping around and there's alot of very nice things/features that look promising... I might be purchasing myself VB for christmas. n_n

User Alias thing is really needed though... How hard is it for amatuer coders to code thier own hacks for VB? I have very basic coding skills... u_u
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Old 12-09-2003, 10:49 AM
Brad Brad is offline
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It really depends on how advanced the code is going to be for said hack. Learning the inner workings of vBulletin is not that hard, even for a newbie to php. I started working with php 2 years ago because I bought vBulletin and wanted to hack it like my old UBB.
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Old 12-09-2003, 09:24 PM
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Bear in mind when vB3 comes out none of the vB2 hacks will work. But I have no doubt that most popular hacks will be ported over.
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Old 12-10-2003, 05:18 AM
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I'm sure by the time I talk users in to some donations vB3 will be out. n.n If I buy the liscence myself, a few bills will end up neglected! >> bad idea!

Thanks for the help. :] I look forward to getting my vB! <3
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Old 12-22-2003, 04:19 AM
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Another question!

I have two boards (I don't have my vb yet) installed, but that are for the same forum and they use the same member tables... Basically I'm using one database for the discussion sections of the forums and one for the rpg section, but it's still technically two boards installed.

Would that count as multiple versions, and would I need a second liscense for something like that? Or is it one liscence per domain name, even with multiboard boards?
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Old 12-22-2003, 10:14 AM
filburt1 filburt1 is offline
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If there are two sets of vBulletin files, then you need two licenses.
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Old 12-24-2003, 12:30 AM
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ThankieThankie... And I found a board merger hack... so that answered my other question! <3
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