Will cause problems for me because my new style's CSS files (four for forumhome) will probably fight with vB's...
Filburt, it doesn't matter at all how CSS stylesheets are put into the document. If the class definitions conflict, they will conflict whether vB's style files are external or embedded.
@ Xenon & Erwin:
see, that's why I suggested you stick to only one (new) style on vb.org once that contest is done. Or at least, one major template set only, with X styles being different based only on style options, not different templates. Looks more professional, and saves you a sh!tload of work. ^_^
Filburt, it doesn't matter at all how CSS stylesheets are put into the document. If the class definitions conflict, they will conflict whether vB's style files are external or embedded.
@ Xenon & Erwin:
see, that's why I suggested you stick to only one (new) style on vb.org once that contest is done. Or at least, one major template set only, with X styles being different based only on style options, not different templates. Looks more professional, and saves you a sh!tload of work. ^_^
we just have one master styles, all others just have different headers/footers and color infos, but the style itself is one inherited template-set