Version: 1.00, by assassingod
Developer Last Online: Jan 2023
Version: 2.3.x
Released: 11-29-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 16
No support by the author.
// Tutorial Hack - [high]1.3[/high]
// Coded By: assassingod
// Credits:
Slynderdale - Catagory Dropdown help
Me - Working from 8PM til 4AM
a-drive - Original Hack idea
// Description: The Tutorial hack 1.3 has much more features that you can possibly imagine!
User permissions, allow or disallow users (and usergroups!) to use the tutorial
section. Tutorial Moderation, want to give approval to tutorials before they appear live on the site? With this feature you can, you can either allow or delete tutorials!
Search feature, now you and your users can search for tutorials easily without the hassle of looking for them!
Add, Delete, Modify catagories to your liking! You have an easy-to-use catagory manager so you dont have to go through any trouble adding catagories.
Allow your users to vote on their favourite tutorials. Good tutorials will be regconized by others! Move, Hide, Edit and Delete - these are some of the tutorial features you as an administrator can do for tutorials. Move a tutorial to another catagory, Hide it temporarily, Edit it and even Delete!
Quick Stats! See which tutorials are hot, and which are not.
Add a whole new level to your site with the Tutorial Hack!
// Upcoming features: - Favourite Tutorials, users can add tutorials to their favourites page and find
the tutorial quickly!
- Page Numbers
- Users tutorials in profile (Add-on only)
// Notices:
- Sorry for the delay of 1.3
- A vB3 port is being considered, work will only be done on RC2 though, no earlier version will be tested on
- 1.4 will contain the formentioned upcoming features
- As I mention in the instructions, there are 27 templates to add.
Thank you very much assassingod = all done and dusted - not 3 bad for a newbie but then again it's the brilliant coder that should take the credit for all the work and support
Installed on vb2.3.3 = OK
Just one last issue if I may? - Says that the cat images should be 50x50pix
I have attached a 50x50 image which shows in the ACP "Current Catagories in the database" But the images do not appear to show in the Tutorials Catagory Listings page Have I missed something again please and thanks
I thought I had solved it silly me - When I go into ACP and hit template modify = this QSL error and I can't quite figuare this one out, maybe getting to tired now
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.3:
Invalid SQL: SELECT templatesetid,title FROM templateset
mysql error: Table **** .templateset' doesn't exist
Right click on the broken image and tell me the URL of the image. As for the SQL error, i'm not too sure about that one. Have you installed anything else that may cause this problem.?
I'll wait for other people to confirm the SQL error if it's my hack.
Thanks for this hack, it work very good.
But what must i modify for display pics into [.img] [./img] ?
A good tutorial is a tutorial with displayed ilustrations
Thanks for this hack, it work very good.
But when when, what i must modify for display pics into [.img] [./img] ?
A good tutorial is a tutorial with displayed ilustrations
I thought it did (I've just tested and it doesn't work)
I'll fix this tonight