Version: 1.00, by g-force2k2
Developer Last Online: May 2008
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 08-09-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 7
No support by the author.
Well its been a while since i've released a hack and i've decided to come back to and share some work
regardless i don't remember the users that inspired me to create this hack but i know a couple of members were asking for a hack that could produce this kind of results
With this hack i try to bring an easy installation as it should take no longer then a few minutes... and with an interface that will make user creation and edits easy...
for instance in order to create a quiz outcome the usergroup must exist or it won't be a selecteable option... and no fields can be left empty, the only way around this is database alteration...
hopefully to create a more enjoyable hack for all...
## What This Hack Does For You
Allows For A User Quiz During Registration to Determine A User's Usergroup
( Warning: Do Not Use This Hack If You Wish To Validate Email Addresses or for Coppa User Purposes because it does override both registration features. )
## Features
Optimizable Register Quiz Admin Panel
- Create Questions & Answers with Point Values
- Create Outcomes To Determine Usergroup Based Upon the Total of Points Values
## Files to Upload (2)
upload regquizadmin.php to the admin directory
upload regquizinstall.php to the admin directory
## File Modification (3)
- register.php (2)
- admin/index.php (1)
- View Instructions Below For Further Details
## To Install
upload regquizinstall.php to the admin directory and run it in the browser
( ie: yourforumurl/admin/regquizinstall.php )
- Automatically runs queries and inserts templates
Now if you don't use either coppa or email validation then this hack can be a good experience to further customize which users can view what and... well the ideas are endless...
for example you can create groups that can view certain forums using access masks and customize a quiz to determine which group they will ultimately belong to upon registration...
well zip includes all files and screenshots i will also attach screenshots below for users that want to see previews before hand...
[Edit]This Has Been Tested & Installed On vbulletin 2.2.9 but i don't see why this hack shouldn't work for any vb 2.x version
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Today at 03:21 PM Salazar said this in Post #32 Of course it didn't work. It requires more than copying the code into a seperate php file.
By the way, you cannot expect the hacker to adapt the code especially for your needs. You can ask for it, yes, but demanding it is not a good idea.
Sorry if I came across as if i was demanding. I was merely thinking it would be a good idea. As there isn't much support for this hack, I decided to see if it could be adapted. But I was wrong.
Apologies to anyone. I just thought I could help out.
How would we do this, with the Harry Potter idea? like .. instead of points it would be 4 differnt outcomes? (the houses) I mean with just number of points it would be very hard, would anyone know how to do this or no?
How would we do this, with the Harry Potter idea? like .. instead of points it would be 4 differnt outcomes? (the houses) I mean with just number of points it would be very hard, would anyone know how to do this or no?
- Speedy
Not too sure what you mean.. but the hack uses a point system, if you answer 1 question then you can get 3 points, or 2 points or 1 point and then its all added up to determine which group to be put in.
I would use this, but can't get it to work for other members. Only works for new members
My idea is to make it seporate. Make the defalt usergroup now able to do ANYTHING but take the quiz and the defalt usergroup will be the only ones allow to take it. After they are registered and the email is confirmed. They take the quiz and the usergroup change happens. Then everyone is happy.