vbulletin.org was started by Mike Sullivan and Chris Lambert and used the plain green style you see on here now (something pretty close to it). Mike became a developer of vBulletin and the site stagnated at that point. Chris owned the domain and just recently transfrerred the ownership to Jelsoft, for the simple fact he was failing to renew the domain. The site has always been on Jelsoft's server(s).
Chen and Sinecure took the site over and put the current style on and added some things.
hmm, seems i was confused by the names, i thought it was wayne, and not mike... damn i get old ^^
but to be right, the site was down so chen and lyle didn't took them over in the normal way, it was more a restart i'd say
Horray for VB.org dunno bout everyone else but i can swear on my life this site IS the reason i brought a VB license. I used to come on here to see what hacks you had but i could never view due to no license **boooo** but blah temptation got the better of me and now i mess with mine everyday horrahh horrahh horrahh
so you mean vb.org and vbt have to buy licenses or does jelsoft give it em free considering they're official jelsoft/vB sister sites and if they are bought licenses who pays?
so you mean vb.org and vbt have to buy licenses or does jelsoft give it em free considering they're official jelsoft/vB sister sites and if they are bought licenses who pays?
well, the licenses have been bought in the past.
i thinkt the renewal system is unlimited, but i cannot say that for sure.