Visually, there's something I don't like about the header and footer graphics on each category table. First, the white bar on your category header should be taller than (or at least the same size as) the dark blue-green things on the left and right because (1) it looks kinda "naked" and (2) you want to emphasize the names of the categories, not the graphics around them. Your category footer is a bit more promising, but I think the repetition of "Xamira...Xamira...Xamira..." is dumb. (People know where they're at by the time they've typed in the URL and seen the header graphic that says "Xamira".) I would eliminate the tab on the right altogether.
It reminds me of WiredGamers, at least some elements of the design do.
Might be because he's using the same gradient style that I am (the blue/black flat). Plus footer style is the same, as well are a few other elements.
The one that I notice about you blindchild is that you definitely seem to have skill with photoshop, but absolutely EVERY single xamira design you've done (literally) has been inspired a bit too much by something else. I can't even remember how many versions of Xamira you've done in the past couple of months...
Overall, I think it's nice aside from its inspirational standpoints.