This is absolutely a disgrace. Although initial reports say that there is no sign of terrorism I have a gut feeling that this is some very-well orchestrated undercover terrorist action.
I mean you'd think a city with the business-infrostructure of somewhere like NYC would have an almost flawless backup system to prevent this from happening.
Think of all the people in the subway in pitch black locked in their trains. This is terrible. People who commute into the city using public transport are having to walk home. This is causing chaos on the roads so people who do have cars are going to be there all night in the traffic.
Then of course there's the long-term effects like insurance claims on defrosted freezers. Aquariams with water coolers will eventually heat up if it lasts overnight and expensive fish will die. People will lose so much money in business.
Today at 11:07 PM Mist said this in Post #13 This is absolutely a disgrace. Although initial reports say that there is no sign of terrorism I have a gut feeling that this is some very-well orchestrated undercover terrorist action.
I mean you'd think a city with the business-infrostructure of somewhere like NYC would have an almost flawless backup system to prevent this from happening.
Think of all the people in the subway in pitch black locked in their trains. This is terrible. People who commute into the city using public transport are having to walk home. This is causing chaos on the roads so people who do have cars are going to be there all night in the traffic.
Then of course there's the long-term effects like insurance claims on defrosted freezers. Aquariams with water coolers will eventually heat up if it lasts overnight and expensive fish will die. People will lose so much money in business.
This is going to cause absolute chaos...
I disagree, looking at the video feed, everything looks in preportion and very calm, and I just heard that power is starting to come back on (in Canada and parts of NY)
Also, I disagree that its a terriost attack, I say its a cracker attack (or the most obvious reason that it was due to natural causes)
I'm sitting in michigan and I have had power all day muhahahah.. And no i seriously doubt it was a terrorist attack. Why is it that the second anything bad happens the finger is being prepped to point at terrorism.