Today at 09:07 PM filburt1 said this in Post #8 I think Chen's targeting it towards hosts rather than end users (for example, having the CPanel people use HiveMail rather than Horde or SquirrelMail), but I'm not sure.
That could not be further from the truth. HiveMail is for webmasters who want to have a webmail system on their system, it's not meant to act as a server-wide webmail interface.
You might want to post at HiveMail's support forums but I'd imagine there's no way to accurately even come close to guessing. It's just like vB: it depends on usage, settings, graphics, etc.
Apparently it was around $30 or $40. Of course, to my knowledge, vB itself has never gone on sale. I also don't put my software on sale because I think it rips off people who were a day or two off.
Some called it a tactic of desparation which I don't think was fair; besides, Chen sold quite a few licenses that day after reading all the posts here and at, so it seemed to work all right