I registered for vbulletintemplates.com and i never recieved a confirmation email. I'm 100% sure i signed up with the correct information. i want to get some modifications from there but i can't post, get attachments etc. because i guess i'm a user waiting for confirmation. I tried the contact link at the bottom and it seems to not work. can anyone help me? i desperately need some template modifications for my vb
i would resign up but then that would involve using the email address i have my vb licensed to, which i already used for the unactivated account. does anyone happen to kno an admin there that could activate me through the cp?
hehe, I did try the contact link at the bottom (above post :P) i got an email back saying it did not exist. I also tried emailing saintdog via yaxay vb mailing thing, but haven't got a response for about 4 days now. I couldn't send it out through vbt because i don't have access to that feature (still user awaiting confirmation)
I had the same problem there... just change your email address then change it back to the one you want and you will be resent the activation email then just activate your account as usual