Version: 1.00, by futureal
Developer Last Online: May 2013
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 12-31-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 83
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
vbProArcade v1.0 Flash Games Development Thread
This thread is intended to provide support for those who wish to find new games for their Arcades, or wish to assist in the development of new games for vbProArcade, or wish to modify existing, open-source Flash games for use with vbProArcade.
Note to moderators: I could not find an appropriate place for this thread, other than the Beta Hacks forum, so here it is. If you feel this should be moved somewhere else, by all means do so. An additional reason I posted it here was because, to my knowledge, only registered users can view this thread, which may contain hack code at one point or another.
For the hack itself, you will need to see this thread. The Flash Development thread that you see here is just that, and should only be for the discussion of creating/modifying games to work with vbProArcade. Any discussion of or support for the hack itself will be conducted in the other thread.
For documentation on how to modify a game to work with vbProArcade, please see the vbProArcade documentation, which will always be contained in this post. I will try and update this post whenever I update the documentation itself.
A list of current games can you find in the second post.
Before you modify ANY game's source or post it here, you must MAKE SURE that you have the author's permission to modify and redistribute the code, compiled or otherwise.
As games are modified and posted, I will update this post to list them, so that people running vbProArcade may find and install them more easily.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
A time limit per level might be nice, however the game does end when you are unable to move any pieces...
The game does take a long while to play, and it would be nice if there was a "give up" button becuase sometimes you just don't feel like playing anymore...
Yesterday at 10:17 AM msimplay said this in Post #978 Can anyone make a version of jeweled that u can actually die in
the game concept is good however whats the point if u can't die
theres no reason to get high score :disappointed:
it needs a timer
i did read in an earlier post u can die when theres no moves left
but that takes too long and makes getting a high score less exciting
Just to let you guys know, at the end of Paladin when you beat the final boss there's nudity. Two naked angels come down and take you to heaven where you tackle another naked angel, roflmao. It's pretty funny, and it's not like hentai or anything, lol. I found this out today when I finally beat him, anywayz...just so you guys can put a warning so a youngster at your site doesn't get in trouble from his parents and then complain, lol.
Yesterday at 09:46 PM Jakor Sevel said this in Post #993 WARNING WARNING!
Just to let you guys know, at the end of Paladin when you beat the final boss there's nudity. Two naked angels come down and take you to heaven where you tackle another naked angel, roflmao. It's pretty funny, and it's not like hentai or anything, lol. I found this out today when I finally beat him, anywayz...just so you guys can put a warning so a youngster at your site doesn't get in trouble from his parents and then complain, lol.
nice to know that someone is actully using a game that i released anyway, i havent managed to beat the hole game myself (yet) so i have a question for you i have been woundering about (after the release) was you able to save you're score after you finniched the hole game?
I've found a fenomenal pinball swf but no fla. has released a swf script replacer. There is no download available but with this tool you can open swf files and replace a action in the swf without the fla. .... imagine!!!
I'm thinking of doing a clean install with the beta 2.0 arcade, should I wait for beta 2.1 to come out first? aka general eta? Or do you need someone to help test 2.1? While I'm at it
Example of a heavy modified slotx, changed fruit into mini avatars of forumsurfers and the 300 score will trigger a loadmovie. Credits 200 and each click cost 25 points. Lots of work but they love it.
Pixel, go ahead and install the one available now, according to Futureal you'll just need to replace proarcade and adminproarcade to making the upgrade, at least we hope so, lol. I don't want to have to install it all again
Joecool, nope. Doesn't save the score after it finishes, it just says the end, lmao. But 666 is the top score no matter what, and that happens after beating the demons, so if you want you can make it save afterwards, otherwise people will just have to lose at 666 to have the top score