i hope its out earlier than that (public beta) but it probably wont
im waiting for vb3 to design my board so i dont have to redesign it a few months later.
nope, Im going to keep version2 because it has so many hacks that I use... I will ofcourse upgrade when I see the hacks I need come into production for vb3... I will just run a test board most likley to get used to the template system and see how things work
04-13-03 at 07:44 AM Xelation said this in Post #92 nope, Im going to keep version2 because it has so many hacks that I use... I will ofcourse upgrade when I see the hacks I need come into production for vb3... I will just run a test board most likley to get used to the template system and see how things work
i agree i will stick with 2.2.9 untill most of the hacks that are for 2.2.X find there way to 2.3.X
just my opinion and i do think there are some gr8 features to 2.3.0 but it dont hurt to wait and my site is running fine with vb2
Yesterday at 04:25 PM Mickie D said this in Post #93 i agree i will stick with 2.2.9 untill most of the hacks that are for 2.2.X find there way to 2.3.X
just my opinion and i do think there are some gr8 features to 2.3.0 but it dont hurt to wait and my site is running fine with vb2
We're not talking about 2.2.* vs 2.3.*, we're talking about 2.* vs 3.*
I'll probably take a few days to accommodate to it once it's released and then start converting my current board to it. I've got a ton of home-made hacks i will need to adapt to vb3, but i think it will be a fun proccess. And then again, i will probably have one of the most hacked vbulletin3s!
I will on my local host test board to see how it is. But i wont upgrade my online board untill me and the and the other admin agree on it and untill i get used to the way its changed from 2.x
10-27-02 at 06:16 AM filburt1 said this in Post #2 After all with conditional templates and vB3's massive feature list most hacks for vB2 will be pointless in vB3.
You really think so? What else do you know about V3?