After Dreamweaver MX randomly broke I needed a new PHP IDE, this is the best freeware one I've found. It has some quirks (some annoying autoindentation that can't be turned off) but the best one I've used.
Check out the sidebar. Makes browsing functions.php really easy It also has something I love, the 80 char line, so you make sure that your lines of code are easy to read. No other free IDE and not even DWMX had it
Today at 05:22 PM filburt1 said this in Post #5 Yup, pretty good, takes a second or two to close though, strangely enough. Uses less than 10 MB of RAM.
Sounds good, but what about its search and replace capabilities?
Can you search for multiple lines of text/code? Can you replace the results with multiple lines of replace text/code too?
Sounds good, but what about its search and replace capabilities?
Can you search for multiple lines of text/code? Can you replace the results with multiple lines of replace text/code too?
That's another problem with it, the search and replace downright sucks. DWMX has the best one so far. You can't even replace all occurances at once it seems. You can search multiple files, though.