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vBulletin [2.2.8] and Post Nuke [.7.2.1] Integration Details »»
vBulletin [2.2.8] and Post Nuke [.7.2.1] Integration
Version: 1.00, by Brew Brew is offline
Developer Last Online: Dec 2012 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 2.2.x Rating:
Released: 11-03-2002 Last Update: Never Installs: 80
Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

This post will be updated from time to time with new info. So check this first post whenever you want to see if there are any changes to the code or docs.

11-9-02 12:15pm est
Made the hack files into zip format.
Added BANNING in PostNuke! (cookie based atm)
Added a lot of instructions.
Changed the link to PostWrap at the bottom of this post.
A couple bug fixes.

11-05-02 12:50pm est
Fixed a bug in the display avatar in PostNuke user profile screen.
I changed the rar download to reflect this.
You can find the fix in this post:

The above fix is in the zip file attached.

11-04-02 11:00pm est
Updated both the docs and the rar file.
It includes instructions on disabling the PN Admin ability to add or modify users. Only the vBulletin admin screen should be use to update or delete users.

Added a to-do to the list for making the hack work when adding new custom fields. As it is now you should not add any custom fields untill this is worked out. Although you can add custom user fields with some tweaking of the hack. It just needs to be automated somehow...haven't figured out how yet.

Also added a to-do to be sure moderators can modify or delete users where allowed.

Be sure you re-read through the whole thing in case something was overlooked!

11-04-02 4:30pm est
Added a link to my test site at the bottom
Just noticed that I haven't done anything with the PostNuke admin. Don't use the PostNuke admin to change or delete users until I fix this.


Before you install this hack I must say:

This hack was only tested and used on a new install of vBulletin!!!


Once vBulletin is installed you use a small set of scripts that pulls users from the PostNuke tables and inserts them into the vB tables. The only user in the vBulletin database MUST be the admin of vBulletin! If your database already has members then you will have to search out a script that will merge the PostNuke database into vBulletins database.

The insertion files are included in the rar file with the instructions.

Above all else you MUST verify that the user tables are identical in the userid and username columns between PostNuke and vBulletin! If not then the hack will NOT work and you'll get information for wrong users and the whole thing will get buggered up and may even destroy the viability of your current user database!!! So complete and error free mirroring between the two user databases is absolutely essential!

Kier's avatar to file hack MUST be used with this hack as I tried many hours to get the hack to work without it. If you know of a working way to get the avatar from vB to display in a non-vB script I would appreciate the heads up (yes I rummaged through the hacks here at vBulletin.org but none of them worked for me)

If you don't follow the above warnings then TUFF! You've been warned :smoke:

This hack was written using ver2.2.8 of vBulletin and ver .7.2.1 of PostNuke.

The hack is nearly 100% integration. That is to say that PostNuke will use the resources of vBulletin nearly 100% pertaining to the user system. If you find areas where there needs to be better integration or areas I have overlooked please let me know so I can correct it!

This hack shares the user names and ids, avatars, signatures and all other aspects of user information except permissions and groups(it does work with the PN groups though)....which I feel should be separate from each other anyway.

The only things I can think of that are not integrated is the private message system and the ability to add news to the front page from vBulletin and visa-versa. If you know of hacks that would do this would you please share it with me?

Some things this hack will do:

New users coming in from PostNuke who want to register will be redirected to vB to register.

Users who have used the vB registration form can log in to PN but not be allowed to do the same things as a fully registered user can do.

When users click their email link to finish registration they will then have registered status in PN.

The user profile screen in PN displays the same information used in vB.

When using Kier's avatar to file hack the user profile screen in PN will display the same avatar as the user has for vb. (again.....if you know how to get the avatar from vB I would appreciate the heads up!)

When a user needs to have a password emailed to them they will be redirected to the vB send password screen.

This is a very involved hack using 7 different files. I will try to give some support to this....But since I've had vBulletin for only a week (or so) I don't know how well I'll be able to. Yeah...sounds scary to hear but believe me the hack works

Thanks to all who would like to test this hack!

As you'll see I need a bit of work in the docs. If you could help with that I would appreciate it!

Some to-do things....

Make the hack more PostNuke API friendly.

Change areas to make it so it will automatically detect the table prefix for PostNuke.

Create a new field where one can poke info in for each domain in a multi-site setup then have the hack peek this field.

Integrate the news system of PostNuke into vBulletin so when news is posted it will be posted to a particular forum.

Make the docs easier to follow.

Clean it all up using appropriate syntax..ie...using arrays where needed in loops etc.

Add the ability for the hack to add custom fields from vB. As it is now you should NOT add any custom fields!

But, of course, only if there's enough interest in the hack for me to do this....

To see this hack in action visit the test site...this is ONLY a test site and is not open to the public. Only those interested in testing the hack may use it.

vBulletin and PostNuke integrated .... go ahead and create an account...mess with it...whatever...The test site will only be available until I am confident it is bug free then will be moved to another site and be live.

Also the test site is using a module called "PostWrap". It incorporates vBulletin logins into the main page and is not part of the hack above. You can find PostWrap at PostWrap 2.01 at PostNuke.com

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Old 03-25-2003, 04:25 AM
Hurricane Hurricane is offline
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OK, I will check that out. There is another issue! In the member.php (vBull file) it should be this:

Near line 632 [585] find these lines:

  if ($showbirthdays)
  // insert custom user fields
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE userfield SET userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]$userfields WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

After the above lines add the following:

///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN user database for Bio, Location, Interests and Occupation
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_bio='$userbio',pn_user_from='$userloc',pn_user_intrest='$userintrest',pn_user_occ='$userocc' WHERE pn_uid='$userid'");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////

The only difference is the end where it says pn_uid='$userid' Was not enclosed in ticks ( ' ' ). It causes issues when updating your profile.
Zip file updated with both the above changes.
Old 03-25-2003, 06:52 PM
jwpexe2 jwpexe2 is offline
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I did the fix above, but have got a few emials today that say

Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='61c33ac309d60c87faea52ba65c15bd' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '[userid]' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064
Old 03-26-2003, 01:36 AM
Hurricane Hurricane is offline
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What were you attempting to do when the error occured?

I can not seem to recreate your error.
Old 03-26-2003, 02:02 AM
Hurricane Hurricane is offline
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Another error! In the member.php

Near line 632 [585] find these lines:

  if ($showbirthdays)
  // insert custom user fields
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE userfield SET userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]$userfields WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");

After the above lines add the following:

///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN user database for Bio, Location, Interests and Occupation
  $DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_bio='$userbio',pn_user_from='$userloc',pn_user_intrest='$userintrest',pn_user_occ='$userocc' WHERE pn_uid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////
The change is the last line. WHERE pn_uid='$userid' is to be WHERE pn_uid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'

Updating the ZIP file!
Old 03-26-2003, 04:09 AM
dkny dkny is offline
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Hurricane, You the man!
I'll try this hack over the weekend, will keep you updated. Now I have VB 2.9.0 will it be a problem?
Also I dont have a clean VB user database, I have 4k members, will that be a problem?
Old 03-27-2003, 08:02 PM
Hurricane Hurricane is offline
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Yesterday at 01:09 AM dkny said this in Post #75
Hurricane, You the man!
I'll try this hack over the weekend, will keep you updated. Now I have VB 2.9.0 will it be a problem?
Also I dont have a clean VB user database, I have 4k members, will that be a problem?
No, no problems with either of them. The import utility that I "made" will not only pull your VB users into Nuke, but it also sets everyones user level to normal users. Just make sure to follow the instructions to a T!
Old 03-27-2003, 09:26 PM
jwpexe2 jwpexe2 is offline
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I getting this error in my email box and it is caused when the user tries to update their password from the retrive Retrieve lost password.

Invalid SQL: UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='56302cb1891d8f4629952f11a8564f30' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '[userid]' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

I have tried to some to change this part of the code and get new errors so I gess its in here in the members.php file.

///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN users password
// if ($pnuser=1) {$pnuser=2; } //Uncomment this line if you did not remove the anon account and move the pn admin to uid 1
$DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='".addslashes(md5($newpassword))."' WHERE userid=$pnuser");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////
Old 03-31-2003, 03:46 PM
slinky slinky is offline
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Unfortunately PostNuke is currently dead technology, IMHO, as development seems permanently in park.

Probably the best current solution is phpportals.com, which is free although the $20 donation goes to great use and allows you to get beta code. It uses existing vb information, posts news as threads so that comments will go into a ratable vb database area and isn't all messed up as it is in Nuke, and much more.

Right now the successor to Postnuke is xaraya but the product is not out yet and it will take time to see what kind of forum integration will be possible.
Old 04-02-2003, 12:33 PM
Hurricane Hurricane is offline
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03-27-03 at 06:26 PM jwpexe2 said this in Post #77
I getting this error in my email box and it is caused when the user tries to update their password from the retrive Retrieve lost password.

Invalid SQL: UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='56302cb1891d8f4629952f11a8564f30' WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '[userid]' at line 1

mysql error number: 1064

I have tried to some to change this part of the code and get new errors so I gess its in here in the members.php file.

///////// PN Integration Hack Start: ///////////////
//`Update PN users password
// if ($pnuser=1) {$pnuser=2; } //Uncomment this line if you did not remove the anon account and move the pn admin to uid 1
$DB_site->query("UPDATE pndb.nuke_users SET pn_pass='".addslashes(md5($newpassword))."' WHERE userid=$pnuser");
///////// PN Integration Hack End: ///////////////
Try changing the last part to:

See if that will help.
Old 04-05-2003, 06:05 AM
bharvey42 bharvey42 is offline
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03-31-03 at 12:46 PM slinky said this in Post #78
Unfortunately PostNuke is currently dead technology, IMHO, as development seems permanently in park.

Probably the best current solution is phpportals.com, which is free although the $20 donation goes to great use and allows you to get beta code. It uses existing vb information, posts news as threads so that comments will go into a ratable vb database area and isn't all messed up as it is in Nuke, and much more.

Right now the successor to Postnuke is xaraya but the product is not out yet and it will take time to see what kind of forum integration will be possible.

I assure you PN is not a dead product. Nor is the development in park.
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