I tried to join up - but immediately got a "your email address is banned" message. Ive never been to that site before and my email isnt a free host one...
I tried another address and it was also reported as banned
Originally posted by Erwin Most dialup ISPs use proxy servers - so a lot of their users share IPs - banning IPs is an inefficient and inaccurate way of banning IMO.
The how do you go about finding which ones to ban and how to ban them? Can you tell that I've never dealt with this before? (Really? Is it THAT obvious? )
Thats pretty stupid considering AOL is the most popular ISP. You shouldn't have to make your users jump through extra hoops becuase of a few possible trolls.
Like i said earlyer email bans where lifted when the member system was intergrated, im only a mod over there so i cant tell you why the email is banned. Please remember that we are running vB 3, and its bound to have bugs in it. Your best bet is to contact saintdog via email and see whats going on.
Yeah like AL said, e-mail bans were lifted a few days ago and that solved most of the peoples problems. I can't image why it would still say your mail is banned. So yeah, contact SD with your problem.