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Old 01-29-2003, 01:31 PM
No_Mans_Stang No_Mans_Stang is offline
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Default lost and confused

Hi people,
Our company does anti money laundering software for banks and financial organizations. We would like to build an "online community" for the users of our software to share ideas, questions, experiences with the federal regulators etc.

So, my boss thought this would be a good idea and well i got shafted with the project. I post alot on forums but by all means am not a computer guru.

So, can some one explain......
If we purchase vbulleting how would i be able to like add out copanies logo and stuff to the heading and home page?

Question number 2: we are very worried about security is there any way to limit the user to be able to online log in form their banks ip address? Its very confidential informaiton and should be seen by non customers etc.

I also looked at a ubb site and it looks almost exactly like the vbulletin forums can some one explain the difference.

I need answers kinda fast..... boss is breathing down my neck.


Crystal :nervous:
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Old 01-29-2003, 02:25 PM
filburt1 filburt1 is offline
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1. Very easily (editing templates only needs a bit of HTML knowledge)
2. I don't believe has anything built in to exclusive allow IPs (it can explicitly deny IPs), but there are ways with Apache to do this. You can also set guest permissions to deny them viewing the board but then your own customers won't be able to register.
3. UBB is written in a different language, costs more, is more server-intensive, and has no major feature advantages over vBulletin. Rumor has it that they're a bit uptight about bugs but that's just what I've heard and I'm sure that they'll dispute it.
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Old 01-29-2003, 02:45 PM
No_Mans_Stang No_Mans_Stang is offline
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I dont know anything about html. But i went to the admins section of vbulletin and i tried the area where it shows u how to change colors. The php is on the screen and i can use the scroll bar to choose the color i want for exampe and it changes the script, i copy the script and paste it into the area to create the changes. The stuff seemed pretty easy.

But as for graphics i didnt see where that is chnaged. Is php like java where u have to know the size of the image to insert it?
(sorry if i am not explaining my self well enough)

What do u mean by server intensive? They give out a free ubb software if u host it thru them. And, i still can not see the difference between ubb and vb. I think ubb is written in perl or c and vb is written in php (i think) so, since i dont know any of those its irrelevant. I just want some thing that is user friendly.

If we purchase a hack could we write and implement some type of hack that could be like:

if ipaddress is not (ip one), (ip two), (ip three);
then do not allow to log in

no laughing at my cheesy attempt to explain the hack (I am a psych major not a computer major)

Oh yeah and lastly do they send free demos to try out?
My boss knows I post on forums all day (gets me in trouble) but any ways because of that i am in charge of this project and i dont know what to buy. Cause I have the funny feeling I will be stuck customizing it.


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Old 01-29-2003, 03:13 PM
Iguana Iguana is offline
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What do u mean by server intensive?
Server intensive means that UBB eats up a lot of your server's resources, which can lead to slower page loads, etc.

They give out a free ubb software if u host it thru them.
Their hosting costs a lot.

If we purchase a hack could we write and implement some type of hack that could be like:

if ipaddress is not (ip one), (ip two), (ip three);
then do not allow to log in
Sorry, I can't understand that.

Oh yeah and lastly do they send free demos to try out?
You cannot download a free demo of vBulletin. However, you can use/experiment on a free one loacted at http://www.vbulletin.com It allows you try out everything, even the admin CP.
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Old 01-29-2003, 03:17 PM
No_Mans_Stang No_Mans_Stang is offline
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Originally posted by Iguana
Sorry, I can't understand that.
Hi, what i meant is that if we purchase vb could somne one help us write a hack/script to change the security settings regharding ip banning. Like could we write something that would tell it
if the user is not signing on from the ip address of their bank than to not allow them to login.

Security is the major worry wit our online community. We only want people to log on from their stations at their bank; not from home or any where other than their bank.


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Old 01-29-2003, 03:30 PM
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Well i'm sure someone could write a script like that as long as you pay $$$$$$ ....

- miSt
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Old 01-29-2003, 09:42 PM
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ya, you can hack it as much as you want, that hack sounds easy too, but all you really need is someone with basic html skills if you just want to add banners/logos etc, the biggest difference i think is vbulletin.org is devoted to hacking vb and helping people with hacks and vbulletin.com is devoted to normal forum problems, the help you'll get is great
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Old 01-29-2003, 10:48 PM
Iguana Iguana is offline
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Originally posted by No_Mans_Stang

Hi, what i meant is that if we purchase vb could somne one help us write a hack/script to change the security settings regharding ip banning. Like could we write something that would tell it
if the user is not signing on from the ip address of their bank than to not allow them to login.

Security is the major worry wit our online community. We only want people to log on from their stations at their bank; not from home or any where other than their bank.


Well, you can request a hack here. I'm pretty sure though if you provide some incentive (monetary incentive) coders here will definelty do it.
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Old 01-30-2003, 02:26 AM
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Originally posted by No_Mans_Stang
Hi, what i meant is that if we purchase vb could somne one help us write a hack/script to change the security settings regharding ip banning. Like could we write something that would tell it
if the user is not signing on from the ip address of their bank than to not allow them to login.
You can do this using .htaccess on an Apache server. Which is independent of vB. Best to get your company's IT people to hack your vB - I wouldn't let a stranger hack your company's vB if you want it to be secure. (Unless you are paying for a professional to do it of course)...
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