Version: 1.00, by ranger2kxlt
Developer Last Online: Jan 2011
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 01-10-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 103
No support by the author.
This hack is a better version of a hack created by drkFusion. This one does not add any queries and uses a third party site to do the tracing for you. Everything is done through the whosonline. Im not a huge php coder so if anyone would like to add onto this my feelings will not be hurt.
As per request... it has been added to a txt file to be dled. Enjoy :nervous: I have also added the hack that was later added in this thread adding this hack to posts. :banana:
Edit: For some god awful reason you cannot download the txt file by clicking it, but you can right click and click save target as... not sure why. Maybe just me.
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If we did not add the php, the host address was sent to the site instead of the ipaddress. (thru the whosonline part anyway). Adding the php allowed for the host address to be displayed while allowing for the ipaddress to be passed.
That's right, you are able to see the "IP" address on who's online, not the Host's address. With the php addition, you see the host's address (the IP address resolved) and the IP is passed.
To achieve a similar result without hacking, just do this:
Replace the template "threads_displayip" with this content:
The IP Address is: $postinfo[ipaddress]. The host name is: $postinfo[hostaddress]. Please click <a href="showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid">here</a> to return to the thread.<br><br><b><a href="$postinfo[ipaddress]">Click here to get LOCATION of member.</a></b><br><br>
Replace the template "whosonlinebit_ip" with this:
That's great, Erwin, but how can we get the host address to show in who's online with just a template hack? I think that was the reason for the php hack part of this.
Erwin, I changed one of your lines of code a little to add the username of the person who's post you select the view the IP address in and also to center it. Makes it a little nicer to have the name in front of you, too.
<center>The IP Address is: $postinfo[ipaddress]. The host name is: $postinfo[hostaddress].<br /><br />Please click <b><a href="showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid">here</a></b> to return to the thread. <b><a href=" $postinfo[ipaddress]" target="_blank">Click here to get <i>$postinfo[username]'s</i> location.</a></b><br /></center>
works great for addresses in the US but we have members from all over the world several from New Zealand and heaps from England and even onw from the UAE and well i'm from AUZ
but i found a error on that site.. one member i know is from just outside of chicargo(SP?) but his IP address came up as phillidelphia(SP?)