Threaded view is A&O for my users, I've been waiting for this upgrade since November last year, and we still haven't moved from the old discussion boards on my site because of the lack of threaded view in vB2. *sigh*
Threaded view is quite old-school though, isn't it? I don't like it at all - you have to keep clicking on the past replies to see what is going on in the thread... but I guess people have different tastes. The linear view is one main reason why I went with vB.
Originally posted by Erwin Threaded view is quite old-school though, isn't it? I don't like it at all - you have to keep clicking on the past replies to see what is going on in the thread... but I guess people have different tastes. The linear view is one main reason why I went with vB.
How about a Framed-Tree Linear Design? I like the one they have at the Forums.
Originally posted by Tim Wheatley Couldn't the templates be adapted with 2.2.7 to see a tree view?? I'm sure even stupid old me could do a version of sorts...
I miss my forums... they're dead at the moment and we're waiting for the new host to contact us so we can set up.
We've changed hosts, and owner, and I'm sure me and the other admins will all rush to install the beta version of vB3 the moment it's released!