YES, ibProArcade has reached the modern standards and is now compatible to PHP 7
* automatic detection for mysql/mysqli (take setting from vB /config.php)
* if you experience connection problems, set $CONNECTFIX to 1 (in /arcade.php)
(seems to be general problem with MariaDB ?)
* automatic Arcade-Tab in vB4 NavBar (working with vB 4.2 and later)
* username markup everywhere in ibProArcade (Usergroup-setting in vBulletin)
* improved check for updates in AdminCP>Arcade
* several small improvements to make the world a little better
Bugs fixed:
* AdminCP Mass-Installer working again
* page-selector was gone if enables categories and just one category
If you are new to ibProArcade and do a fresh Installation, just read the included Instructions. Make sure to read the ones that correspond to your vBulletin-Version!
For those who upgrade their ibProArcade v2.5.x/v2.6.x/v2.7.x do the following:
upload and overwrite all (!) PHP-Files from Archive's /upload-Folder
if you are using vBulletin 3.5.x/3.6.x/3.7.x/3.8.x/4.x.x update the Product "ibProArcade":
Enter AdminCP
Open Menu-Group "PlugIn-System"
Click "Manage Products"
Click "Add/Import Products"
Enter the Path to the Product-XML-File: ./includes/xml/product-ibproarcade.xml
Set "Overwrite Product" to YES (very important, this does the Update!)
Confirm the Import of that Product
if you are using vBulletin 3.0.x use the Installer:
upload /installer.php to your forum's root
run installer.php
delete installer.php from your forum's root
you're done
Make sure you upload and overwrite ALL files from the UPLOAD-folder in the ZIP-archive!
If you are upgrading from vBulletin 3.x to 4.x make sure to read the included HTML-Installation-Instructions and do the template-changes for vBulletin 4.x !
Please report any Bugs, Faults, Errors, Suggestions, Ideas, Feature-Requests ect. in the Support-Forum in the "Premium Modification"-Section here at
To express your support for this product, I am happy about any small donation which you can easily send via your AdminCP -> Arcade -> Information
THANKS ALOT to stangger5 for his continued support and help here in the forums and on this product, thx mate!
Also a big THANK YOU to everybody else supporting, helping, testing and suggesting in this project
hello zeropage I have a problem with version 2.7.6 i mean I did not understand if it is a bug but if in a category I installed 1000 gameswhy do you see only 84 pages applying 12 games per page?