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Old 07-13-2017, 12:12 AM
Stingray27 Stingray27 is offline
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Originally Posted by MarkFL View Post
I am in the process of moving support for my line of products to MHB and I will also be adding support at The Admin Zone (TAZ), where I have recently joined the staff.
Mark, Paul, Lynne & BOP5 can all be found at TAZ, not sure about any of the others.
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Old 07-13-2017, 01:52 AM
chloe101 chloe101 is offline
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Originally Posted by TheAdminMarket View Post
Long story, short:

Thank you all (especially Lynne) for your support.

More than 4 years ago have wrote:
"vBulletin.org should not exists at least the way that is operating now".
Don't say that I'm happy with what happen but somehow I was a fortune teller.
Apologies to you but as someone using your mods, I didn't mean to "like" this post. I understand where you're coming from but I hope you change your mind.

Without the excellent mods which I've been able to install with the help of many mod creators and admins/advisors here, I would not be using VBulletin at all and have been devastated reading this entire thread.

This is a very sad day

--------------- Added [DATE]1499919853[/DATE] at [TIME]1499919853[/TIME] ---------------


Thank you ALL for the incredible help you've given me over the years. Even those with whom I never directly interacted, like Lynne, have been incredibly helpful with their articles and replies to other people.

I'm extremely sad to learn this news. A few months ago, I had to decide between XenForo and VBulletin for my latest forum. I decided to stick with VBulletin but ONLY because of VBulletin.org. My head said to go with XenForo, my heart told me to stay here. So on my advice, our members raised the money to purchase my license for VB4. VB.org was the selling point for me and for them. Now I feel like I just let down every single person who donated, totally kicked in the gut because this was the one place I was counting on to keep things afloat technically. Apologies to the new people coming on board but you guys who stepped down, and your wealth of intimate knowledge with the ins/outs of this VB and its modifications, are irreplaceable.

I feel like a dagger was just stuck in my back and have been teary-eyed reading this thread.

My comments aren't meant to bash. Believe me I'm holding back.

So long and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help over the years.


Devastated to see a product I loveD so much years ago keep cutting its own throat.
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blind-eddie, CAG CheechDogg, In Omnibus, MarkFL, rbc, Simon Lloyd, Stingray27
Old 07-13-2017, 04:36 AM
paradoxG(r)eek paradoxG(r)eek is offline
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Originally Posted by chloe101 View Post
Apologies to you but as someone using your mods, I didn't mean to "like" this post. I understand where you're coming from but I hope you change your mind.

Without the excellent mods which I've been able to install with the help of many mod creators and admins/advisors here, I would not be using VBulletin at all and have been devastated reading this entire thread.

This is a very sad day
All my mods are available at: https://theadminzone.com/resources/

I never meant to ignore vB users. I'll ignore vb.org

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blind-eddie, markoroots, steviewonder44
Old 07-13-2017, 09:46 AM
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Originally Posted by chloe101 View Post

--------------- Added [DATE]1499919853[/DATE] at [TIME]1499919853[/TIME] ---------------

That would be Paul's own "Double post prevention" modification that prevents the same user from making two posts back to back in the same thread too quickly. It was later added as an default feature in VB 4.2.x but off by default.
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Old 07-14-2017, 12:35 AM
chloe101 chloe101 is offline
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Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 View Post
That would be Paul's own "Double post prevention" modification that prevents the same user from making two posts back to back in the same thread too quickly. It was later added as an default feature in VB 4.2.x but off by default.
Ahhh.... Thank you for explaining that. It was a bit disconcerting lol. Thank you again for all the time you personally put in for me fixing a VB4 feature that wasn't working. You really went above and beyond, testing and retesting for days. I realize if you hadn't helped me, I'd be eternally stuck with a feature that wasn't working and wasn't going to get fixed either since all the focus is on VB5 now. Knowing that, it makes me especially sad for other VBulletin users who are going to lose out from getting your excellent help here going forward.
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Old 07-14-2017, 12:35 PM
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Wow, this is just... wrong. It makes me so sad to see all those great people leave, if only for old times sake in my case, but at the same time I'm happy to see you taking a clear stance at what feels like an unfriendly takeover.

Paul was never a pushover, how they could expect him to just roll over and not at least comment on it is beyond me. The community will feel the enormous loss, no doubt about that. But they have IB to thank for that. You just can't expect people to happily help and support in their spare time after something like that.

I've stopped coding for vB quite some time ago, and wouldn't, even if I had the time. But now indeed it is time to remove my addons and articles from this site; I'll probably mirgrate them to The Admin Zone as soon as I find the time to do it properly.
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In Omnibus, MarkFL, paradoxG(r)eek, rbc
Old 07-14-2017, 01:35 PM
Mark.B Mark.B is offline
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Like Joe, I would urge people not to remove their add-ons. That hurts nobody except forum admins who either won't be able to get the add on, or won't be able to download a fresh copy of it.
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Old 07-14-2017, 04:55 PM
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Originally Posted by cellarius View Post
Wow, this is just... wrong. It makes me so sad to see all those great people leave, if only for old times sake in my case, but at the same time I'm happy to see you taking a clear stance at what feels like an unfriendly takeover.

Paul was never a pushover, how they could expect him to just roll over and not at least comment on it is beyond me. The community will feel the enormous loss, no doubt about that. But they have IB to thank for that. You just can't expect people to happily help and support in their spare time after something like that.

I've stopped coding for vB quite some time ago, and wouldn't, even if I had the time. But now indeed it is time to remove my addons and articles from this site; I'll probably mirgrate them to The Admin Zone as soon as I find the time to do it properly.
Why are you posting these negative vibes ? We know you left to Xenforo long time ago. Your signature reads:

Please note that there will be no further updates to my addons, especially they will not be upgraded for vB5. I'm leaving vB, since IB choose to go the banana-way yet again.
IB like any other company makes mistakes and I ticket them in a hope to review their course of action relative vb 5.x development. I've had it seeing how Xenforo founders ceased a good opportunity and played the victims when vbulletin was going through many changes in management. They are not victims, they ceased a business opportunity when vb was going through changes.

They built their community on the shoulder of vbulletin. That fact is true.
Old 07-14-2017, 05:22 PM
motorhaven motorhaven is offline
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Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
IB like any other company makes mistakes and I ticket them in a hope to review their course of action relative vb 5.x development. I've had it seeing how Xenforo founders ceased a good opportunity and played the victims when vbulletin was going through many changes in management. They are not victims, they ceased a business opportunity when vb was going through changes.
Most companies do make mistakes, but my own experience dealing with them in business, and talking to both current and former employees I know, they make a huge number of colossal screw-ups when it comes to how people are treated, never learn from it, and it's become worse not better over time.

Asking people to keep their mods here is very one sided benefitting IB and not the mod creators. Par for the course.
Old 07-14-2017, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
Why are you posting these negative vibes ?
I still own a vB license. My forum is running vB. I have quite a record of coding addons for vB. All of them offered here for free. I have been part of the alpha test team of vB4. And I've been supporting people here on and off during the last years, even though I've not been as active as in earlier times. So, yes, if you don't mind, I'll post whatever I like, whether you like it or not.

Of course, if you feel like having a party and looking for good vibes, that's absolutely your prerogative. Just don't try to shut others up who do not feel the same.

We know you left to Xenforo long time ago. Your signature reads:
I know what my signature reads. You don't need to quote it to me. Actually, you're being rude. But again, that's your prerogative.

IB like any other company makes mistakes
Some more than others. And, of course, customers get to call them out on those mistakes. Just like with any other company, really.

and I ticket them in a hope to review their course of action relative vb 5.x development.
Good luck with that.

Your off topic rant on xF really had me on the floor laughing, by the way. I just wonder whatever that has to do with the topic of this thread, and how it is connected what IB does in 2017? So, IB management propably is still traumatized by being victimized by XF five years ago? Where can I donate to offer my support?
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