What is your database collation and charset? And what do you have set for admincp > Languages & Phrases > Language Manager > Edit Settings > HTML Character Set ?
What is your database collation and charset? And what do you have set for admincp > Languages & Phrases > Language Manager > Edit Settings > HTML Character Set ?
What is your database collation and charset:
Languages & Phrases > Language Manager > Edit Settings > HTML Character Set:
What email client are you using to read the password reset email? It might be messing up the reset URL in the email. Can you try resetting password for another user from another email client?
What email client are you using to read the password reset email? It might be messing up the reset URL in the email. Can you try resetting password for another user from another email client?
I already tried and same issue.. Is it possible that the reset link was affected when we import a language?
Ok. At this point, I can't think of any cause without seeing your setup. I suggest you open a ticket in vbulletin.com so their support staff can take a look at your setup. Or hire someone.