Yeah I guess you got a point if has that many mods and additions to the site like you said.
I just think vb3 is getting older every day. You and the other vBulletin creators should actually put the work into it yourselves.
Not sure why the man hours have to be unpaid. vBulletin Solutions and Internet Brands should pay you guys to do it.
I assume the real winning voice in this is if your company would actually pay you to do it. If they weren't paying you I completely understand the logic in not wanting to redo it.
But the best mods would be created by a team of professionals like yourselves anyways. If it was for your own products site I can't really see why they wouldn't but I'll leave it at that.
Anyways I appreciate the responses.
I think one of the key things to remember here - which a lot of customers either forget or don't realise - is that the support team don't write the code. I'm certainly no coder, you wouldn't want me writing code for vBulletin. I'm not qualified to do so and wouldn't pretend otherwise. I can make minor alterations to stuff but that's about it. My expertise is in supporting, using, configuring and troubleshooting the product itself.
Even setting that aside - someone who works for a company doesn't get to dictate what he or she gets paid to do. The company do that. Even if I was a professional coder, I couldn't tell vBulletin to pay me to update vB3. Neither business nor software development could possibly work like that.