I asked the SAME question a couple days ago in another thread, https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=324497, trying to find SOME hook somewhere that would allow me to do EXACTLY that. We described different symptoms of the same disease, caused by the same germ. Tom & I are Admins on the same MB. Needless to say, HE's the senior admin, and I'm trying to learn.
I'm curious. Why did Tom get an essentially immediate response that does EXACTLY what I've been asking for, and my thread didn't? Have I done something to offend someone?
Hey Bill,
I do apologize if I gave the impression of preferential treatment...it wasn't my intention. Tom's initial post spoke explicitly of setting the "parentid" of posts made by replying to threads as opposed to replying to posts or quoting posts.
In your thread, you were talking about using a product that wasn't behaving as you wanted, and when I read that, I felt looking for the product thread was a good idea as suggested. Sometimes I don't connect the dots as would be desired by the person posting.
It could be the case when I read a post here, I am either idle and looking for something to do, or I am busy at the moment with other things and don't give the post as much attention as I would in the first scenario. That's my shortcoming, not that of anyone else, and is something I should try to improve.